chapitre un

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Hermione read the letter that had arrived for her; then read it about seven more times.  

To Miss Hermione Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Please find enclosed a list of  all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September.  We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Hermione set the letter down and ran upstairs to grab her library card

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Hermione set the letter down and ran upstairs to grab her library card.  She yelled a goodbye to her parents as she ran out the door with her coat halfway on.  She rushed into the large building and made a beeline for the nonfiction section.  

Wizards... Wizards... Wizards... here!  Hermione grabbed all three books and sat down in the farthest corner of the cozy room full of books.  This place had been her sanctuary for the past 6 years.  Whenever she was being bullied at school, or when her parents were too busy, she came here.  Long story short, Hermione was at the library a lot.

"There's nothing worthwhile in these books!" Hermione growled in frustration.  Still, she checked them out and brought them home.  When she got back, her mother told her to freshen up for dinner.  Later, as they were at the table eating, Hermione took a deep breath.  

"Mom? Dad? I have to tell you two about something." Hermione said nervously.  

"Are you alright, sweetheart? You look rather pale." 

"Yes, Dad, I'm alright.  I'll be right back."  Hermione ran up to her room and grabbed the letter.  Taking deep breaths to steady her quick heartbeat, she sat back down at the table, where her parents were gazing at her with concern.  Hermione was too nervous to say her prepared speech, so she just handed the letter over.  Her mom read it twice, and passed it to Mr. Granger.  Hermione searched her parents' unreadable faces for any sign of recognition.  Suddenly, her parents started giggling and shaking their heads.  

"What? What's so funny?" Hermione asked, confused.

"Hermione, dear, I do believe you've received your first piece of junk mail!" Mr. Granger got up to throw the letter away.

"No! Dad don't!" But her father didn't listen.  Hermione felt something rush through her, like a blast of cool water.  The letter slipped out of her father's hand into her small one.  She, her mother, and her father looked at the letter in fear, confusion, and astonishment.  Hermione got up and ran upstairs to her bedroom, the door of which she immediately locked.  She hurried to her computer, where she logged onto google and looked up the school that was mentioned on the letter.  Hermione hit search, and suddenly her computer screen went black.  Then, a hologram appeared.  

"Hello, I am Albus Dumbledore.  I sense that you may have a few questions.  I ask that you please take a seat and grab a cup of tea, for this may take a bit of time."

Hermione sat down breathlessly and decided she would listen to what the man had to say.  

"If you are seeing this, it most likely means you are a muggleborn who just got their Hogwarts letter.  So, first things first; congratulations! Hogwarts is a very prestigious school for very special people like yourself.  For, as you may be beginning to understand, you are a wizard. Or maybe a witch, if you are female.  Now, your understanding of wizards may be muddled by the muggle understanding.  We are not evil- well, most of us aren't.  Anyways, your parents are most likely very confused and possibly even concerned.  After I finish with my presentation with young wizards and witches,  I will move onto my presentation for their muggle parents.  Anyways," Hermione saw the man sit on a throne-like chair.  "At Hogwarts, you will learn subjects like Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, History of Magic, Astronomy, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.  These are all very important to lay the path for more complicated types of magic.  Once you reach third year, you will be able to chose three extra classes.  If you accept the invitation to learn magic with us, you will need to be at platform 9 3/4 at 11 o'clock on 1 September.  Thank you, and I hope to see you at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Please go get your parents and select the button that says parents."

Hermione ran out of the room to get her mom and dad.  

"Oh, Hermione! There you are! Your dad and I were talking, and-"

"Mom, Dad! You must come to the computer at once!"

"But Hermi-"

"Hurry!"  Hermione ran back up the stairs.  Her parents glanced at each other before following their daughter up the stairs.  Hermione was at the computer when they arrived in the room.  She pressed a button and stepped back.  Suddenly, her parents gasped as a hologram appeared in the place their daughter just was.  

"Hello, I am Albus Dumbledore.  Your child has just received a letter inviting them to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Young Witch or Wizard, I ask you to leave me with your parents so I can best explain to them."  Hermione turned and exited the room, to head to bed.  She fell asleep that night with thoughts of witches flying on brooms zooming around her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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