Untitled Part 1

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You were walking on the beach at sunset. It was your first time at the beach, and the scenery amazed you. Until now, you have seen the sea in pictures and painting, or in movies, but never in real-life. The sea was so big, it seemed like a whole different world. There were so many shades of blue, you didn't think it was possible to have all of the in one single place. But it was possible, and it was stunning.

You left footprints in the sand on your way to collect seashells. The beautiful seashells were put in a small bag tied at your waist. As you were walking, you spotted a small golf hidden behind bushes. The stars were already out, so you reflected on whether to go on and explore the golf or to go to your hotel room. After all, it was getting pretty dark, and you were the only one on the beach. Suddenly, something caught your eye in the bushes. It was glistening in the moonlight. That would be the shiniest seashell you've ever seen. You moved closer, but when you touched it, it disappeared, and you've heard a big splash. Coming from behind the bushes, you stepped on the crescent beach of the golf. There were only a few big stones. You bent down to pick up another shell, when a voice startled you:

'Hello there!' You dropped the shells from the bag. Looking around, you noticed the voice's source. It was what seemed to be a man. And he was... he was beautiful. His eyes were a dark green, like the depth of the sea and his skin was tanned, kissed by the powerful sun. The man's body was half hidden behind the stones.

'No, don't run away, it isn't often that I have visitors!' the man said in a Spanish accent.

You were reluctant at first, but he was so very pretty. It was like a magnetic forced pulled you towards him.

'What do you want from me? Wow, you're beautiful!' It was a stupid thing to say, but it was the truth. He was mesmerising.

'Where are you from?' he asked, but his eyes didn't move away from your legs.

'Why..why do you care? Let me go!'. It was a nonsensical thing to say, you weren't tied to him by anything, and still, still, you felt like you couldn't live anymore without looking at him. Like he put a spell on you.

'Why...why can't I move? What are you doing to me?'

The man smirked. He kept looking at you with his big eyes, and there was something glistening in those eyes.

'You're so pretty!' he said, and licked his lips with his tongue. 'Come-come a bit closer.'

You took a step forward even if you didn't want to. He managed to gently grab your arm. His hands started studying your clothes, stroking the material between his fingers. Lost in looking at the fabric, he forgot to hide his tail, and you managed to catch a glimpse of it.

'What is that?'

'That is my tail! Do you like it? It is very strong! My tail brought me here all the way from the Mediterranean Sea!' He left your clothes absentmindedly, then gave you a weird look, like he wasn't sure if you tell you something or not.

'My name is Antonio. I come from the Spanish waters. You know, where I come from the weather is always warm and tomatoes grow. I really like tomatoes!' His eyes went to look at the sky. 'From my country, you can't exactly see the same constellations. It's different, you see'. You couldn't tear your eyes away from his beautiful face. He was Spanish? That explains the accent.

'I know you feel trapped, it's normal. You see, I'm a merman.'

'A merman? What is a merman?'

'A merman is creature of the ocean. I am half human, half fish, as you can see.' He pointed to his tail.

'Are there...more mermen?'

'Sure, I myself have a few friends. But they are bad, I'm not bad.' He smiled brightly, showing you his pearly white teeth.

'What do you mean?' you asked, intrigued by the fair creature.

'Oh, nothing, it's just...my kind eats people. But don't worry, I'm not like the rest! I don't like eating people. I mean, I do, but I believe it to be wrong. I...I'm not bad!.' He said, tripping over his own words.

'You're very beautiful, Antonio!' you said, stepping closer. He gave you a cunning look.

'Oh, don't be fooled! My kind is beautiful in order to attract people. We are ...created to kill people. It's like in our blueprint. For thousands of years, my kind have been hunting yours. It's a natural law.' Antonio was so pretty in the way he moved, like art coming alive. It was almost like what he was didn't matter anymore.

'How do I know you're good?'

'You're still alive? I could have killed you ever since I first saw you. You can come even closer, I won't bite!' You once again took a step towards Antonio.

'You know, in my native land, I had this ...lover. It's quite embarrassing, she looked exactly like you!' He tripped over his words again and his cheeks were flushed. 'She was the love of my life, but she was human. We couldn't be together, so I ran away. It was better for her, you know?' He said it in such a sad way, like his heart was breaking, and you thought about the poor girl, left behind somewhere on the Spanish shore, longing for her beautiful merman.

'You do remind me of her, if I look better...Come a bit closer, I want to see your eyes!. You obliged. Antonio caressed your cheek with his fingers, looking straight into your eyes.

'Hey, ____? Could I... Could I dare to kiss you?' You blushed a thousand shades of red. You leaned in for the kiss, to kiss the poor man whose heart was broken.


Next day, the news reported the disappearance of ______ ______. A week later, a body has been found, deformed without recognition. DNA test proved the body was _____ _____, who has been missing for a week. Police are yet to have found out what could have possibly done this to the young female, as no known animal is known to kill in such a way. But somewhere far away, deep into the ocean, a certain merman smiled happily. It turns out he was bad after all.

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