Part 1

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EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING started from the first day I met him, when my older brother invited his friends over for a party in the crack ass of dawn, meaning around 6 am or something. I walked down the stairs with messy hair all over my face wearing my bra I just recently bought and a pair of sweatpants from Walmart cause I love that bitchass shop. Originally I just went downstairs to get a drink of water cause my mouth was parched from all the snoring and drooling I do at night. (unwanted information but who caressss)

Not looking where I was going, I accidentally bumped into someone and spilled all the water onto myself. My dumbass brother Park Jimin couldn't even give me a hint that his friends were coming. And what would you do when you see a stranger wandering in your house and you are deadass only wearing a bra? You grab the nearest item you see and hit them with it. In my case the nearest thing I had was the glass. So.... yeah.... I hit him with the glass.

Felt kinda bad for breaking the glass I mean I did waste my money on it. Then after I hit him with my precious glass, I jumped on him and made him fall to the ground. Basically it looked like I was riding his dick sooo lmaoo. Before I could land another punch on his what seems like a beautifully built face, his large hands took a hold of my left arm and switched our position making him on top.

"Stop" said his strangely attractive and deep voice. Bitch who the actual fuck are you to tell me to stop?! Then at that very moment he looked down at my chest area and I remembered I was only wearing a bra and he was looking at my TIDDIESSS! Great going Y/N I love how your mind works! Just fabulous!

I kicked him in the balls and got up while he held ..that area. I ran to Jimin's room only to see him cozying up with a hot dude. *makes a dirty minded face* "OOOOH who would've known Jimothy was into these things?" I thought to myself as I walked to his bed and shook him trying not to wake up his strangely too good looking friend. I started shaking him more aggressively thinking of that stranger in the kitchen.

He woke up with the look of  pure confusion. "JIMIN THERE'S A DAMN STRANGER IN THE KITCHEN! " I yelled with my loud ass voice surprisingly not waking up the dude. "WHAT?!" he yelled back with anger in his voice.

We dashi ran to the kitchen where the stranger lay, and Jimin ran to his side. "OMGGG! YOONGI! ARE YOU OKAY?!" haha...they're friends... NOW HOLD ON MINUTE WHAT?! YOONGI?!WHOMST?!  "Ye I'm fine but this crazy chick started punching me and kicked my balls so I think I've come to the conclusion that she stopped my abilities of having children" My face twisted up in confusion as Jimin took care of this odd stranger that broke into our house. "JIMIN! Who is he?" I asked, puzzled. The man named 'Yoongi' seemed like he didn't notice me until I spoke and we made straight eye contact....*wind whooshes* that was the most awkward 3 seconds of my life.

"Oh shoot, i frogot to tell you," Jimin started and paused in the middle and pointed at the dude. "I forgot to tell you that I was inviting a couple friends over." I answered back with JUUUSSSTT a hint of madness and aggression in my voice, "YEAH NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I JUST HURT THE POOR AND INNOCENT SOUL!" I pointed at the guy "NOT HIM! BUT THE CUP!" I moved my attention to the cup "JIMIN I HURT THE CUP! I KILLED IT AND NOW IT'S NO MORE!" I heard a slight chuckle coming from 'Yoongi',and it was hot as hell! BUUUUTTT I wasn't gonna say that in front of my brother! So I just walked away with anger clear in my footsteps.

Damn, all this and I couldn't even get my cup of water. So I went back to the kitchen and they were both staring at me. I just want water to be honest. So I grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I looked back at the man and narrowed my circular and large eyes at him to show him that I was mad "You better pay for that! It was 20 dollars for a set of 6, so do the math!" I yelled, I directed that towards the man with my back facing him.

ALL of this and yet you still don't know half shit bout me.

HEEEYYY GUYS! My name is Y/N! and I am 18 years old in my last year of highschool. It was Winter break that's why my older brother decided it was a good idea to invite his friends. Now you might be wondering... "wHy WaS SHe weARiNg JuST a bRa in wInTeR" well you see my brother absolutely CANNOT take cold weather. So just because I love him too much I put it on a higher level when he's sleeping so he doesn't get cold. But that results in me sweating to death so I have no other choice but to strip.

I'm not telling you my background story cause that's something you're gonna have to figure out on your own and throughout the story sorry bae.

ANYWAYYYS my brother is Park Jimin. Or how some girls that fangirl over him at school call him "park it in me Jimin" BLEGHHH! now if you're wondering if Jimin goes to the same school as me, nope he doesn't THANK THE LORD! Girls just know him. I don't know how they get this type of information or from where, they just randomly pull it out of their asses. He's also 23  soooo frankly he could probably become a teacher rather than a student. ( I'm using the same age for all the members. but Yoongles is 24 instead of 25. WHOAH! BIG DIFFERENCE!)

This story is probably gonna be my only one for now cause I actually have ideas for this and I didn't take it from other authors soo lmao ye. AND im probably gonna post more often instead of once every 2 months lol. WE'RE ALL LAZY SO SHUT UP!

IF there are any mistake tell me cause as Hannah Montana once said "everybody makes mistake, everybody has those day... lemme stop. Thanks for reading and enjoy the rest of your night.. or day.. who knowss....


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