At this very moment, the word 'bed' was the most beautiful word in the English language...the words 'we're done' coming in close second.
Every member of the Burns family was exhausted. The mayor's 4th of July firework display going awry and setting fire to half of downtown, followed by barricading the shoreline for an incoming storm to cleaning up after said storm had knocked down trees, powerlines and other debris, it had left them all mentally fried, physically drained and emotionally snappy, though they held their tongues from lashing out at the townsfolk. It wasn't their fault that their job was so taxing.
Even the bots were feeling the strain of the weekend's events, and as they tossed the last fallen branch onto the pile and out of the way, Heatwave examined his team.
Chase was brushing plant debris from his palms, his eyebrows furrowed in a focused manner.
Boulder and Salvage were leaning against a slope, the recycling truck attempting to doze off into stasis and Boulder just staring forward like he was in a daze.
Blurr was still somewhat functioning, but even his usually perky self was hiding behind a slumping frame as he looked up towards the rising sun. They'd been working all night, and Heatwave could hear his partner snoozing in his cab, getting at least some sleep before the rest of the day truly began.
The only bot not present was Blades, though he probably hadn't gotten much sleep either. He'd been assigned to protect Cody in the event that the storm damaged the Firehouse in some manner, the weather too bad for the helicopter bot to fly. Blades took his assignment seriously, especially now that he'd been emboldened by Bumblebee's claiming him as a friend.
"...Looks like the last of it."
Chief yawned as he looked around. "...Let's head home, everyone."
Heatwave transformed into vehicle mode, taking care not to wake Kade who was zonked out in his driver's seat. "...Let's head home." He murmured.
"I never thought I'd say this, but... I can't wait to power down for a few hours..." Blurr admitted as he rolled past Heatwave.
"Boulder." Chase barked, shaking the Bulldozer back into reality from his staring. "We're leaving."
Boulder stumbled up to his feet, kicking Salvage with one foot.
"I'm awake! I'm awake...!" Salvage shouted, looking around for a moment before transforming into vehicle mode. "Are we done?"
Graham chuckled as he climbed into Boulder's cab. "I know exactly how you feel, Salvage..." He mumbled.
Heatwave watched his teammates roll past before taking up the rear.
"H-Huh?" Kade sat up. "What's going on?"
"We're going to bed, Kade." Heatwave assured.
Kade gave a faint smile. "Bed...I love bed..." He mumbled, before slumping back into sleep in the seat.
Dani was standing by the door when the bots and her family rolled into the garage. She'd at least gotten some sleep that night, which she knew is something the others envied. She'd already carried Cody to his bed after he'd fallen asleep at the Command Center console.
"Hi Dani..." Chief murmured as he climbed out of Chase and walked over to her. "...Sleep okay?"
Dani smirked. "Let's worry about you getting some sleep, Dad."
"You might need some help with Kade." Heatwave replied as he opened his door. "I don't think he's getting out on his own, and he's getting drool on my seats."
Dani crossed her arms, then turned as someone else passed her and headed for the fire bot.
"I've got him, Dani."
Dani grinned. "Thank you, Taylor."
Taylor grinned back, unbuckling Kade and pulling him out of the rescue bot's cab. "Come on, Kade..."
Kade lifted his head. "Tay...When did you get here...?"
Taylor just shook his head, and then the humans all climbed into the elevator. "The life of a first responder does not guarantee naps..."
Dani waved to the bots before disappearing as the doors closed and they headed upstairs.
Heatwave, Boulder and Chase transformed into bot mode, but the snoring from Blurr and Salvage told them they'd fallen asleep right there in park. "Alright bots, let's get some shut-eye." Heatwave informed.
"Good plan..." Boulder muttered as he headed for the platform leading them to the bunker. "I'm about to fall asleep on my servos..."
"I'll maintain watch in case another emergency occurs." Chase replied.
"Oh no." Heatwave placed a hand on the police-bot's shoulder. "You're getting some sleep too."
"But Heatwave-"
"No. I have not forgotten the last time you didn't get enough sleep. Cranky Chase is worse than normal Chase, trust me."
The police bot crossed his arms, but no longer protested against his leader's orders. "Good, then we've reached an agreement. Besides, Blades can probably cover the watch for a few hours..."
The trio hopped onto the platform and Heatwave set it to take them down. The beeping of the elevator was the only sound as they entered their personal space, but once they'd stepped off, they heard movement and turned to see Blades coming around the corner.
"You're back!" Blades cheered in a manner that was much too cheery for their tastes. Perhaps he had gotten some sleep while they were out...Lucky.
"Yup..." Heatwave muttered. "And now we're going to crash for a little while. Let us know if anything happens."
Blades saluted, then looked around. "Where's Blurr and Salvage?"
"They fell asleep upstairs. Decided not to bother them." Boulder murmured. "...Goodnight, Blades."
"Wouldn't it be good morning, technically? I mean-"
"Goodnight, Blades." Heatwave responded, eyes narrowing. "I don't have the patience to ponder things right now."
The helicopter bot giggled nervously, and then waved as they retreated to the stasis chambers.
Heatwave watched Boulder climb into one chamber, and then waited for Chase to enter his. He knew Chase might try to ignore the order if he wasn't awake to make sure. Chase gave in to his fate and Heatwave waited until his vitals assured he was in stasis before getting into one himself.
They may only be able to rest for a few hours, but for them that would be enough. Hopefully nobody else did anything crazy while they were asleep...
...But one had to remember, that this was Griffin Rock.

After a Long Weekend (Rescue Bots Oneshot)
FanfictionThe Burnses are tired, the bots are tired, everybody's tired... Characters belong to Hasbro and Transformers. Stroy belongs to me.