Dark Blood (Dean Winchester fanfic)

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" How do I look?" Michelle asked me.

"Fabulous as always" I replied. Michelle was short with cascading light brown hair, and intense brown eyes.

"Oh good, there's going to be really hot guys there!" she said excitedly as she finished getting ready.

I glanced at myself in the mirror one last time, fixing my shoulder length dark brown hair, I wasn't tall but I was taller than Michelle which made me look older.

I made my way down the hallway to the entrance of the garage, calling back to Michelle to hurry up.


We got out of the car and walked up the stairs of the house belonging to Justin, a popular jock from our school .

"Damn!" Michelle said in shock as we opened the door to the house, "this house is fucking huge!"

I nodded in agreement as my eyes wandered the extravagant room filled with rowdy teenagers.

Michelle immediately nudged me, gesturing over to two mysterious guys lurking in the far corner of the room.

Right before she could drag me over a tall brunette girl appeared in front of us and offered us drinks. We accepted and began to drink. We walked around the house a bit whilst drinking more and more. Suddenly the two guys we saw earlier were standing in front of us and smiling seductively.

"Hello ladies, I'm dean and this is my friend Danny" We were speechless as they both stood there staring at us. Finally Michelle spoke "I'm Michelle and this is my friend Kristen."

Danny spoke next, "nice to meet you ladies" he said with a smile that drew us both in instantly. He stepped forward and looked right into Michelle's's eyes and whispered something I couldn't hear.

When he finished he stepped back and spoke to dean quietly. I tried to listen but couldn't hear over the now blasting music. Michelle looked over to me and started shouting in my ear.

"I'm going to go upstairs with Danny for a bit Kristen, are you good by yourself for awhile?" I looked at her and nodded. She smiled, turned to Danny and soon they had disappeared into a mass of people.

I was still staring after her when I hear a deep voice in my ear. I turned and realized dean was still standing there looking at me. My eyes wandered over him, he was about 6 ft tall and muscular with brown hair, and charming green eyes.

He looked me up and down, and with one last glance with a mischievous look in his eyes he said "would you like to talk a walk with me?"

I was intrigued by him and couldn't find it in my to say no so I said yes and he grabbed my hand and lead me to the back door.


He'd taken me out to his car and we'd drove down the road a ways until he'd finally stopped and pulled over. Now here we were, just sitting in his car in the middle of the night, and I had no idea where we were. We sat in silence for a few moments before he asked me how old I was. I stared nervously at him trying to decide if I should say my real age or say I was older.

He raised an eyebrow at me and I quickly said "21"

He gave me a sexy smile and replied " so tell me about yourself"

My breath hitched and I thought quickly. " I'm Kristen Hudson..um" I laughed nervously and waited for his reply.

He smiled and said "Well how would you like to be my girl Kristen?"

I stared at him disgusted "Really? You think just because your cute I want to be "yours."

I unlocked the door, got out and slammed it. Just as I was turning to walk away Dean got out of the car and leaned against it. I glanced over at him, gave him a dirty look and started to walk back towards the house.

I'd taken a few steps before I heard him say "I mean really, who doesn't want me?"

I stopped and looked back. He was still leaning against the car giving me a quirky smile.



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