The Truth

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Dear Crush,

        I've liked you for almost four years now. It started when you first moved here, when we both were in 5th grade. 

The year of 8th grade you came to our school. All the girls looked at you in every class. All the boy tried being your friends. You just happened to be in a few of my classes. Just my luck the teacher had you sit next to me because it was the only other seat open. We talked and ended up being friends. You were nicer than I thought. I had assumed you would be like the other boys in my grade, cocky and rude but you weren't. You hang out with me and my best friend even though your friends thought it was weird.

Of course my friends continued to tease me about it. They told me you liked me because of how much time you spent talking to me. I don't believe them. You'll always be just a crush and I'll always be in the friend-zone.


Olivia Lynn

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