Of hurt, comfort, and fluff: A One Direction friendship story

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Note: My first story, like, ever. Don’t kill me. Based purely off of my need for 1D. Please note, I DO NOT think Zayn is like this in real life. He just seems the most likely out of the boys to say something bad without thinking. So once again, don’t kill me. Ciao!

It had just been a damn bad day.

All of the boys were tense after their last interview. Usually, they could laugh off nosy reporters. But that day, it was different. Louis had no carefree jokes to respond with, Harry couldn’t make an affectionate gesture to one of the boys, and Liam couldn’t provide any philosophical input. Even Zayn couldn’t pull a charming trick out of his sleeve!

Niall was tired, frustrated, and just wanted to go to bed. He usually slept off a bad day, but it seemed like the other four would rather him listen to their complaints.

“I can’t believe- what was her name? Never mind, I can’t believe how terrible that woman was!” Louis groaned from his upside-down position on the couch. It would have been humorous if not for their sour moods.

“I know!” Liam chimed in, nowhere near as upset as the others. “She was probably the worst interviewer we’ve ever dealt with! Most of them know when they’re pushing it!”

I can’t believe how she tricked us.” Zayn added angrily, clenching his fists. “She twisted everything we said into something inappropriate or scandalous! We couldn’t even lay a hand on each other without that wench inquiring about it!”

Niall winced. They were all cross, and that was not a good sign. He gingerly rose from his cross-legged position on the soft carpet.

“Let’s not let her get to us, lads.” The blonde reasoned warily. “Let’s just forget about it and go to bed.”

He cursed himself out in his head as he was assaulted by a piercing brown glare from the tan-skinned singer.

“You know what I think, Niall?” Zayn inquired maliciously. Harry, Liam, and Louis threw each other worried glances. This was bad. An angry Zayn was a violent-mouthed Zayn. However, none of them could interject before Zayn was at it again.

“I think you should man up, and stop being a push-over! You’re such a goody two-shoes, it makes me sick!” Zayn spat lividly, not hearing what he was saying. Niall could feel tears welling in his eyes. Nobody had spoken that harshly to him since…Niall didn’t want to think about it.

The three boys watching were too shocked to speak. It took a long while before Niall could summon up the courage to respond. When we did, it was a meek stutter.

“I guess I’ll just…h-head to sleep. S-see you guys in the mornin’…” And with that, the petite lad ran out of the room. Zayn’s features had softened to a shocked, guilty look. Why had he…why would he….

That’s when the others exploded. Harry and Louis immediately turned on him, shouting insults and accusations and “How could you do that to him, Zayn?” and “I can’t believe you hurt him, Zayn!” among many others. The one in question just hung his head, accepting his fate with a heavy, regretful heart.

Meanwhile, Liam, always the sensible one, had tiptoed to Niall’s door with a disapproving glance towards the three. He gently knocked on the door, murmuring a calming “It’s me, Ni. Please let me in?”

He drowned out the argument taking place in the living room, focusing only on the soft padding of sock-clad feet shuffling towards the door.

The second the barrier was opened, Liam immediately shielded Niall into a comforting hug. The shorter boy hid his face in the broad shoulder of his companion, sniffling quietly.

Liam pulled back, but kept his hands on the blonde’s shoulders as he led them to the bed in the middle of the room. The older boy surveyed the other, wincing at the tear tracks on the usually pale, now red face. They sat down next to each other, silent for a few moments. When Liam spoke, his voice was soft and comforting.

“He should have never called you those things. No matter if he was upset, no matter if he didn’t mean it. You didn’t deserve any of it.” His large, warm palm rubbed circles on Niall’s back. The hurt boy took a shaky breath before replying, voice laid heavy with tears

“I know. I’ll forgive him eventually, just not tonight. Or tomorrow. Or the day after that.” He joked weakly, a small smile gracing his features. Liam sighed, relieved.

“Glad to hear you sounding a bit like your normal self. Trust me; I’m pretty sure this whole disaster will be forgotten in a few weeks.” Niall’s grin grew wider, feeling immensely happier.

“I know it will. But until then, do you think I can guilt him into doing things for me?” This produced a brilliant beam, and a bear hug.

“’Atta boy. And yes, you most certainly can. He’s crazy guilty right now, plus Harry and Louis just walloped his tan ass cherry red.” Liam encouraged. Niall wiped his face on his sleeve, clearing the tears before he allowed a satisfied smile to emerge.

“Knew they would. Also knew he’d be sorry. I’ll talk to him tomorrow, cause we have a day off.” Liam smirked, an idea forming.

“We all should sit down with him. Let’s do the whole “We’re not angry, we’re disappointed” thing. Make him wallow in misery for a bit before we forgive him.”

“You, Mr. Payne, are an evil genius.” Niall stifled a giggle as long fingers lightly tickled his prone sides.

“Right you are, Mr. Horan. Perhaps that conversation could occur now, instead of tomorrow. Let’s rally the gentlemen into the living room, shall we?”

“Indeed we shall, sir. Indeed we shall.”

And with that, the two boys commenced repairing the small hole within their group dynamics. Because that’s all that whole fiasco was. A small tare in an unbreakable bond. They would all get over this, just like they’d forgive and forget everything else. They were One Direction after all, the five BFFs who stole the hearts of the world.

And scene! Happy ending, yayz! All mistakes are my fault, sorry. Bye!

Of hurt, comfort, and fluff: A One Direction friendship storyWhere stories live. Discover now