=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=A VIEW FROM THE TOP=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
Divana and her cousins decided to play cards on the second floor of their grandmother's house in the province.It was a nice and gentle way to pass the time away upstairs.Divana and her cousins where playing a card game when they heard load footsteps climbing up the stairwell,The footsteps where deep and pronounced, but as it paused at the stairwell's landing half way to the top,the sound became more like creeking against the solid wood.Everyone casually turned to see who was about to meet them.When the footsteps ended at the top of the stairs there was nobody there,Divsna suddenly saw a black cracked circle in the wall with blood dripping from the the black spot on the wall suddenly Divana saw a white figure that was looking outside the screen door they where so sceared that they all ran and suddenly they all blacked out they found themselves lying beside a river near the house.
*^^*^**^*^^*^*^*^*^POST CARD FROM THE PAST*^*^^*^*^**^^*^**^
Rosa and her brother had a way of comunicating to each other without being detected because they grew up during the World War II, her brother became a teacher in the Mainila University,Je was departed from his older sister.One day he moved back with his older siste Rosa,He had a habit of putting a single leaf on Rosa's mosquito net signifiying that he left for town,without her even asking him.Her brother one day died before her and life went on.Suprisingly she woke up at the morning months after his brothers death and saw a single leaf on her mosquito net.
@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-ON DARK STORMY NIGTHS@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@-@
It was unusual for Joy's grand mother to be sitting outside at the porch at nigth near their proccesing mill.One stormy nigth she saw a figure outside she assumed it was her so from her window she decided to stand guard she became tired and went to bed.The next day she asked her grandmother "Why did you go downstairs when it was so dark?" she asked "I was waiting for you to come back up.Waht took you so long?" "Oh" her grandmother replied camly "that wasn't me.You saw the white lady.She shows herself whenever it rains."
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0THE CREEK0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:
One time Joshua and his friends decided to fish the next day but they didn't have any bait.Joshua decided to catch some frog legs near the swamp but supprisingly there wasn't any,so he went to the nearest creep where nobody dares to go because of the hauntings and stories that where told about the creep bu he assumed that there where many frogs and bait that where roaming there.So when he was searching for frogs and some bait there was nothing there,he then heard footsteps and then there was sand that was coming out of nowhere.He then pulled out he gun and then shoot three bullets in the air because he thougth that there was someone trying to scare him he yelled "Who is it?!?" But it was just complete scilence,after seconds he went back home tired from the trip he then realised that there was sand in his shoes,pockets,and his bag,he took the sand as a warning to not come back.
-/-/-/-/-/-/--//-/-/--/-ME AND MY SHADOW-//-/-/-/-/-/--/-/-//--/
Bobby was a kid who wasn't afraid of anything.There was a black out in the city and bobby and his friends got their flash ligths and played with their shadows,"this is a snake"pointing out his middle finger and opening out his thumb,"and this is a bird" he continued while clasping his two thumbs together.Everyone clapped exept for one child who didn't find his behaviour ammusing "They say you shoudn't play with your shadow or something bad will happen","What do you mean?I can do what ever I want!" Bobby replied,"Old people say you shoudn't play with your shadows or someone migth het angry and you will die","Who's gonna get angry?" Bobby said with a smile "Our grandparents?The shadows?your dumb to belive in those old myths." .He continued and the ligths finally came on Bobby went home but when he was down the alley he noticed his shadow streching ahead if him this reminded him of his early behavior this caused him to smile he stared at his shadow and realized it didn't have a head any more.The next day Bobby was found dead in his own house.
#}#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#{#}#THE PAINTING}#}#}#}#}}{}#}}#}}{}{##}}
There was a huge painting in a school hanging on the second floor Nobody wanted to be left there because they say unusuall things happen there when the place is empty.Amy was busy finishing her assignment so she was left alone on the secondfloor near the painting,when she standed up she realized that the wonan in the huge painting holding a basket was gone,she then looked behind her then she saw the woman out of the painting and the woman was chasing her she quickly went downstairs screaming,so every one came to the second floor and saw that the woman was back in the painting,the painting was removed and humored that it was burned.
?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.??.?.THE HEAD OF THE CLASS?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.
One nigth a girl named Sam died when her 'rents car was crashed to a drunked drivers's,she was a well known person in the school and the city they planted a tree in the school campus to show respect for her. years passes by..One day the janitor was cleaning the class room (this was the class where the girl was when she died),as he was cleaning he glanced at the teacher desk below.He saw the disembodied head of the dead student,eerily floating back and forth.
)/)/)/)/)/)/)/)/)/)/)/)/)/)/)/IN A BLINK/)/)/)/)/)/))/)/)/)/))/)/)/)/)/
Lora was a single mother she was tired,and she just came back from work.She wached the childrenas they slept because both of them sometimes just don't sleep at nigth when they're not tired in the afternoon,Lora told her maid to wach over the children so that she could relax downstairs,she then heared footsteps coming down Lora said "Why did you left the choldren?" The maid answered "But ma'am I haven't went upstairs yet" Lora replied with suprise"Are you sure I swore I saw you upstairs..."then the maid answered "yes ma'am Im sure I was in the kitchen cooking".
{[{[{[{[{[{[{[{{[{[}[}[}[}}]WHEN A PUSH COMES TO.......}[}]}]}]{]{]{]{]{{]{]{]{]{]{]{{]{]
Shira stood inside her living room and stared out into the balcony.Her children played in the front yard for most of the day,and decided to call them for some rest.She then glanced at the screen door behind,and saw a disembodied had was closing the door to the playroom,even if the door was completley shut the hand was just floating there on the handle "Oh my!" She blurted out "what is happening?!?".She came to look closer but the hand was vanished.
%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%HIDE AND SHRIEK#%#%#%#%#%#%%#%#%#%#%#
After a long time in the grocery store and work Joy finally came home from work,she was welcomed by her husband upstairs,she then came down stairs and she saw the ligths turning off and on and the door of that room was open she then came to investigate bit no one was there she then heard the door behind her close by itself,she saw the other room was also flikering she came to investigate and the same thing happened again she ran upstairs and said to her husband "Eric!Eric! There's someone downstairs!" Her husband got his gun but Joy said "lets just call 911" pompting to play it safe.The police said that there where 'supernatural' events happening there sigths of figures,creaking footsteps,and voices.After a While the two moved out of the haunted house.
Ghost Stories By:AphroditeIoDoesWatt
HorrorFrom funerals to churches,from schools to houses This will defenetly make you so NOT bored when you are So what r u waiting for? Read on If you have unusal things you seek in your life please leave a comment and I Migth put your story on part 2 :)T...