Chapter 1

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    U.A students are finally ending their summer and heading into the new year. Class A is the only class to be joyful on the arrival back, and an after school party is currently being planned. No one has changed at all except for some physical changes (hair, clothing). The class has split into different rowdy groups, until Iida or Aizawa enter the classroom. The BakuGang is slowly having their members enter the room, the first ones being Bakugou and Kirishima. Mina has been there as well, but is planning the party somewhere else in the room. Somewhere.

    Denki walks in, a stupid grin on his face.
"What's up with Zap Zap Retard?" Bakugou asked Kirishima.
"How the hell am I supposed to know?" He snaps back, low-key confused as well.
"I don't know, since you talk to him more than me, shitty hair!?" Bakugou snarled. A fight was started between them shortly, and Denki plops on his seat with the same expression. Jiro glances over at him questionably and says only one word; "What?"
He just chuckles and says, "Just wait." Jiro expects it to be fucking retarded, but when Sero comes in barley even standing on his two legs and hair sticking in ever direction, she can not even breathe.

    "HAHAAHHA WHAT DID YOU DO TO POOR SERO." Jiro bursts out laughing, falling off her chair. Midoriya runs over to Sero quickly, checking if he is able to communicate and function. Denki starts crying from laughing so much, and even Bakugou smirked.
"Hey guys, he looks really hurt..." Uraraka says with uncertainty.  It was true, Sero's complexion was completely dirty and burnt looking, and seemed quite ill.  After everyone calmed down, Sero stumbled over to Denki and sloppily taped him up, seeming like a half-revenge.                              "That's what you get, you jerk!" Sero slurred, shaking a bit. Midoriya walks him to his seat carefully, scowling at Denki.
Midoriya was talking to Sero slightly, asking if he need to go see Recovery Girl, or needed help with school work. Everyone sat down once the bell rang, while Denki slowly regretted his choices.


    After class, Sero has return mostly to normal. Denki walked up to him propping his elbows on his desk.
"Hey..." Denki started. Sero raised an eyebrow, expecting some sort of half-assed apology. Or an invite to lunch. "So, I'm really fucking sorry for this morning. It was a dick move. I hope you still like me? no homo tho." Sero chuckled at the last part, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's get lunch Kami." Denki lights up and grabs Sero's arm, dragging him towards the cafeteria. The two boys don't acknowledge the subtle nickname, except for the classmates sitting near. "Did he just-?" Mina sputtered. She was the class shipper, as most called Mina. Sero and Denki were one of her top ships, along with Bakugou and Midoriya. Toru and Tsuyu just casually glanced at each other with a knowingly look.

    At the cafeteria, Bakugou is already sitting down with Kirishima chatting about an unknown topic. Sero goes to grab food for him and Denki since he doesn't mind the simple job.                     
"..And then the guy just totally- OH hey bro!" Kirishima greeted Denki as he sat down.
"Sup." he replied. Bakugou just nodded in acknowledgement. The two continued with their conversation while Denki was left to be the usual third wheel. Until Sero came by with his lunch, of course. "Thanks man, I can always count on you." He smiled, digging into his lunch. Sero just sat beside him and grinned.
"What's up with you today, Tape-face?" Bakugou growled. He still had a bad temper, but everyone in the BakuGang are forcing him to fix his attitude.     "Oh, it's nothing, really. I'm just happy to see my friends again, I guess." Sero commented, sighing gently. It has been awhile since he has seen everybody due to the summer vacation, and he usually missed everybody from class. They were like half family.

    "You need to stop with that sappy shit. It's annoying." Bakugou muttered, not going to admit that he missed the interaction with everyone. He wouldn't say this to anyone, but he becomes quite sad without his friends. More like he isn't himself when they aren't around.                                "Aww, dude! I'm happy I'm back with you too!" Denki beamed (almost like Aoyama) and side hugged him tightly. Kirishima grinned happily at his three friends and Mina sat beside Bakugou.
"What did I miss?" She smirked at the two boys, most likely thinking something dirty.                       "Nothing too important." Bakugou replied slowly, poking at his food. "Just being idiots." They all laughed and continued their food and past conversations. Denki smiled to himself, happy that he had these people as his friends. They may all annoy each other at points, and have gone through a lot the past years but the 5 always knew how to cheer each other up. It was pretty sweet, actually. And most people didn't understand how they managed to be friends with Bakugou, but you just need to soften him up a bit and he'll put up with you.

    "So, you all ready for the party tonight?" Mina said, "I had to do a lot of planning but it will be one of the best!" She was always planning party's for simple things, then again no one really complained except the teachers or fellow students because of the noise. They ended up having a blast every time. "It better be good, I'm ready to get so wasted!" Denki gushed. Denki was the king of partying, but sometimes things could get of hand.                       "Yeah, we are only gonna allow everyone to have two beers." Mina pointed out. Everyone looked at her with hurt or anger. "I'm on a budget here, okay? And we aren't supposed to drink much anyway." She sighed and sunk in her seat.
"I think everything will be fine, Mina." Kirishima comforted, "Two beers is fine and enough to make us have a good time at least." The rest nodded sadly, even though they wanted more than that. The bell rang again and off they went to training.


    Class A have finished their courses and decided to head back to the dorms. They were excited and bubbly for the party that is coming. Uraraka and Tsuyu were setting up snacks and drinks, Momo and Jiro were in charge of decorations, Iida, Midoriya, Mina, Ojiro, and Toru were thinking up of fun games and a music playlist, and Sato and Bakugou were making dinner. The rest of Class A either sat around the common area or dressed into comfier clothing.
"Seeeeroooo...!" Denki whines. He flopped on the couch next to Sero and pouted. Sero sighed, "What is it now, Denki?" He honestly thought the boy was cute, and could almost always talk to him.  And yes, Sero likes Denki, but he is too embarrassed about it since he thinks no one appreciates gay relationships. Denki himself shares these feelings, but thinks it might not be true. But whenever he sees the tall male, he can't help but blush sometimes.

    "I'm bored." He states blankly. No emotion at all. Sero just stares back at him and says, "Same." Mina notices this and jumps in to the rescue.                   "Well, why don't we play a game of truth or dare!" She smiles evilly, "Who wants to join?" All of the girls and boys (Except Bakugou and Sato since they are cooking) raise their hands and gather around the seating area, some sitting on the floor or some grabbing dining chairs. Denki and Sero obliged and wanted to enjoy this as much as they can. Mina started off with a dare, and had to do a headstand for 2 minutes, which was surprisingly hard for her and needed Shoji to hold her up. Next, Uraraka chose truth and had to tell everyone if she was still a virgin or not-- she was but had experience with other things. Then came Denki, who chose a dare.     "Come at me with your best one! I ain't afraid!" He declared confidently. Jiro decided to choose this dare, and said smugly, "Kiss one of the boys in this class for 10 seconds!" All of the boys stopped talking and the girls squealed in delight. Denki froze, mouth open in shock.


{{that was my first chapter, thank you for reading and please tell me what you think down in the comments! i'll write another as soon as i can! thanks, again!}}

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