Chapter 13-and an explanation

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A/N: I know you all probably hate me... Emily you've been back for a week and you left us with that information but havent given us anymore! So tell us why havent you written in over 2 weeks Emily? Well, my dear readers as some of you know I went on a Mission Trip with my church. It was great! But incredibly tiring... I dont usually get up until around 2 PM but the whole week I got up at 7 AM and didnt sleep until 12:00 AM. Thats okay, I lived and it was soooooo worth it!:) Why havent I written since I've been back you ask? Well....... actually I'm not going to make up some fake excuse, I should have written I've just been lazy. hahaha so heres a chapterr to put you all at ease. ;)

Grant's POV (Ima switchin things up!)

This tv remote is not working. I'm missing the basketball game, I've already missed enough with all the...drama thats been happening. Jen broke up with me. SHE broke up with ME. Thats never how things have worked with other girls in the past. I came over to her house to make sure she was fine because she was acting crazy on the phone and she told me we were done! It hasnt processed in my mind all the way yet. Because if it had I would be so angry.

I snapped out of my thoughts and hit the remote against the coffee table then pressed the channel up button. Finally, I got the remote to work and I could sit and relax. Maybe if I was lucky my dad would come in early and we could watch the game together. If he did he would bring me a beer. The good stuff he locks in his mini fridge. I really did need one of those right now.

The front door clicked open at the end of the second quarter. I heard the distinct sound of expensive business shoes walking through the foyer. Then the sound of high heeled shoes following them. Both my mother and father were off early today. That never happens.

My dad stepped in first his back ridgid, then he moved aside so my mom could fill in the other half of the doorway. Her back was unusually straight as well.

"Grant, is there something we should know about? Don't lie to me because this is a serious matter." He said that second part with his eyes closed. He knew I could read into his eyes like it was nothing. I've always been able to do it, read someones thoughts and feelings just by looking at their eyes.

"No...nothing that I'm aware of." I said back confused.

He sighed and looked at my mom whose back was still straight as a board. He had loosened up some but not much.

She took a deep breath. "Honey, we need you tell us the truth."

I shook my head. I had no idea what they were talking about. Then I realized.

"Look, Mom. Dad. It was a mistake okay. I should have told you sooner. But I can fix it I promise! They wont take me off the team either."

"Honey this is not just a mistake! This a criminal offence! They will most definatley take you off the team! I dont even care about the stupid football thing, this is your future we are talking about now!" My mom started crying at the end. Dad took her into his arms and comforted her, then he sent her back into the foyer.

"Dad, failing one test isnt going to hurt my future and is not a crime! What is going on?" I asked

"Oh son, the police are here to arrest you. They say you killed Elizabeth Habbay!" He muttered something under his breath that I couldnt understand. "This is not about a failing grade. This is about being charged for murder. I know you didnt do this right?!" He asked rhetorically. Then the police came into the living room.

"Sir, it has been longer than we were to give you. We have to take him now." They walked over to me. "Grant Depilito, you are under arrest for the murder of Elizabeth Habbay. You have the right to remain silent..." I tuneed the rest out as they walked me out to their car.

I didnt understand what was happening. I didnt even fight the arrest, which could have made me look guiltier.

Thoughts were swirling in my head and I didnt know what to do. What did they have against me that they could say I murdered Liz?! Dont they have to tell you this stuff?

"Excuse me!" I had said firmer than I had planned. "What exactly do have on me that you can arrest me?"

The officer in the passenger seat looked at the driver. After the driver gave his nod of approval the passenger seat officer turned around.

"We have a wittness that puts your car at the scene of the murder. We also have video of you walking in and then out again of the apartment building the murder took place in." Then he turned around and closed the little window so we couldnt talk anymore. I was screwed.


After being booked they sent me to a rooom with one of those two way mirrors. I sat there for a little bit waiting for a detective to come in and start questioning me.

When the door finally clicked open a farmiliar detective came in with a hamburger, some fries, and a drink.

"I imagine you're hungry?" He asked.

I nodded, dispite the fact that tthis guy was about to try and get me for murdering Liz, I was going to be in a jail cell. Which meant no fast food.

He handed me the food and I quickly ate it. He just kind of watched me.

"So Grant, can you tell me why your car was in that parking lot?" He asked.

"I could but, since I dont have a lawyer present I'm not going to answer any questions." I said snarky. He just sat back in his chair and continued the easy gaze that was fixated on my eyes.

I hated being here. After my lawyer arrived and the detective asked questions all of which to I did not answer, they put me in a cell and I was alone for the night. I had no idea what was going on and I hadnt broken down at all yet. I figured I should probably sleep, so I layed down on the hard bed and stared at the ceiling.

Sleep didnt come easy, but finally it found me and I welcomed it happily.

Jen's POV

Thenews of Grants arrest didnt come as a surprise to me. I knew they had evidence linked to him before, but they werent allowed to tell anyone. It didnt really hit until the next morning, that he was possibly the one who killed Liz. It was on as soon as I turned on the news. They had a headliner, and that was all they cared about.

On the bright side we were going shopping today, so that was good news. After breakfast we had time to get ready and then we headed out the door.

Once we were at the farthest mall we could go to ,to leave the media behind, we parked and made our way into the mall. I went into every store that had clothes in it and got everything that I needed for three weeks in the Bahamas.

The list of items I bought:

23 pairs of different colored shorts

25 loose fitting beach shirts

3 nicer dresses for dinner

3 dresses for nighttime

4 bikinis

4 wraps

6 pairs of multicolored flip flops

5 pairs of earrings

6 pairs of high heels for my dresses

3 pairs of sunglasses

15 pairs of new pajamas

7 beach towels

4 bottles of Tan Lotion

3 rafts for laying out in the resort pool

2 new suitcases and a matching carry on

and magazines, books, and little things to do while tanning.

After a full day of shopping I was tired and ready to go home and speed pack. We werent letting anyone know that we were leaving except Detective Buntner.

I had completely forgotten about Grant and I was happy to finally be a little happy for a change.

A/N: Let me know what you all think!!!!!! :) Vacation chapter coming up. Do you want more of Grants POV? Ohhhhhhhh and be ready for a new romantic interest in Jen's life!:) Until next timee! :)

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