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Lol nvm I didn't die it was just gas.

Anyway so turns out the kid is actually my dead brothers and I've been pregnant since the womb but since my parents are just so cool the baby didn't start developing until exactly 3 weeks after my 18th birthday.

Turns out Kyle was wearing a wig and his hair is actually neon green so after I found out he got super drunk so I divorced™️ him and I'm moving in with Gerard

He's been through this with me since I was a little girl

I think I love him and I think he's going to propose

"Sarah let's marry"
"Omg yes okay"

The wedding was great and now I'm pregnant again cause I lost the first child and now it visits me at night in the corner of my room like my brother does help.


The girl has purple eyes so I named her emerald after my brother and her middle name is: can be purple I guess.

Emerald Can be purple I guess Way.

What a lovely girl and now my parents died after meeting their little girl

They all join me in the corner of my room now someone help really.

20 years ago

My name is cas and I just woke up after having the weirdest dream

I go downstairs and I start telling my roommate of how I dreamt of being married and having twins but only having the daughter left. I told her of how she lived an amazing life with her husband and little girl, andtheweirdpeopleinthecornerhelp.

She looks up at me after I finish my crazy dream.

"Cool story bruh you should write a book about it"

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