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Many years have passed since the awakening of knowledge. All secrets of the world came to light in an abrupt and unforeseen way. Myths, legends, and tall-tales have become a usual mundane life. However as most stories get twisted throughout the years so have those of the once hidden individuals we now call Abnormals. 

Despite what some may think, no abnormals were born that way. Other than the originals of course. The origins made from the light and darkness of the goddess. They are known now as the Crest Elders. They arrive at the Changling ceremony everywhere and are treated even more royal than they are. or so I've heard. nobody has seen them but those in the ceremony and they are sworn to secrecy.  

So basically everyone is a human in the beginning of their lives. they have the choice when they turn ten if they'd like to go to the academy. The only academy that holds the secrets and knowledge about the abnormals. Although they are generally accepted in the modern era some are still harboring hate and judgement on the abnormals. These people are often called partisans. My life has always pulled me into the path of abnormals,  i have  decided to leave behind my parents, siblings, and my entire life i once knew to venture into this mysterious once hidden world. Among the most feared and loved creatures that roam the earth and have for millenniums. I don't have a clue about what abnormal group id like to belong in nor do i have the faintest idea of where i even could belong but i have lived now in a world with know;ledge in attained by millions of humans and my passion for understanding has outweighed my sense of caution as i venture deeper and deeper into this world. 

I have studied the legends, the folklore and the myths from ancient years and have studied the current materials available to me. but its not enough there are still so many questions unanswered. My grandmother was a child when the laws were passed that freed the abnormals to be in society. S often told me of the chaos in the world at that time. Humans rioting,killing abnormals and starting fires trying to vanquish them any way they could. Like they were freaks, outcasts for simply being born. As a child i was horrified to even be a human when i heard these stories. how could we as a species be so hypocritical and unjust. But as i grew i understood that the world as it is was full of injustices. And no matter what it seemed that fact would remain for all mankind. I met my first abnormal when i was six years old. She was an instructor that my age group had and even as a small child i could see her beauty. She was a succubus,Her long black hair was always so silky and light as it was twisting into a very unflattering bun on her head. she never wore makeup or accessories and was always dressed in earth toned dressed that could have been easily mistaken as potato sacks. to be kind about it she looked ugly by stranded but her face was beautiful. her skin was flawless her eyes shone blue like the ocean at night with the moon shining unto the reef underneath the calm ripple-less waters. her voice was like velvet. soft and warm and alluring in a way the made you listen even in a hushed whisper and could leave chills  down your spine. She wanted to be an instructor for Changelings but she could not teach adolescents for a reason that at the time boggled my mind. She was often early to school and late to go leave and always took her lunch in private. I asked my mother about her when i was young and she simply shook her head and started rambling on about the government allowing someone like her to even be allowed children.  my father would stay quiet and simply nod along as he finished his morning coffee and kept up with his emails.. 

My birthday is today however which means it has finally come. the day i have waited for since i was seven. My tenth birthday when my entire life would change for i could only hope the better. I now by now how it works. they find you when you are alone and take you from society you'll be gone til you are an abnormal which most often takes years. but i was ready. I got out of bed full of determination and preparedness and put on m everyday outfit, Leggings a tunic and ankle boots. I threw my hair into a ponytail with tendrils flowing on either side and put my grandmothers locket around my pale neck. she had died a couple years back and i missed her every day. she was my best friend and in so many ways my only confidant with these feelings and thoughts in my mind. I ran down the stairs eager for the day to begin. I usually skip breakfast and my mothers million questions but i know i will need my strength today it'll be a long day ill need the energy. "Happy Birthday Sophi!" my moms voice ran through the kitchen as i went to make some toast. i smiled at her "Thanks momma you know this is the year right?" she frowned instantly. I had been trying to prepare her for my decision for a while now but she never would listen to what i wanted. "don't bring silly things like that to the table young lady run off to school before you're tardy ill see you at dinner." and with that she turned her back to me and started on the coffee. I sighed  softly and hugged her small frame from behind "i'm really gonna miss you mom. ill be back i promise i love you" i turned and grabbed my bag off the chair and left the room as i heard her small stifles sobs. I went to my fathers study next and knocked on the big oak door. he opened it in an instant as if he had been expecting me. "good morning Sophia happy birthday" i smiled and kissed his cheek " thanks daddy i just wanted to talk to you before i leave for the day." he nodded instantly saddened "I know. and you know i support you no matter what right? I just want you to be safe and happy." I nodded and hugged him and headed for the front door biting my tongue as i went. I hate crying especially in front of people. I left our simple 2 bedroom home and started the small walk to the bus stop down the road. My best friend Macy was there waiting for me. she was nine her birthday was in two months and she had every hope in the world of becoming a vampire. her brother had began the change and she adored him with her entire heart. She greeted me with a big grin and hug like every morning i laughed and hugged her back "I cant believe it! i'm so jealous! why couldn't my mom get pregnant with me sooner!" she pouted and i laughed she was always so hyper and enthusiastic. I know i will see her again but i still hope we are sent to the same Academy for training. I messed up her hair and laughed at her childish antics as the bus came down the street. This is the day. Any minute my life as a human will end. And i will become a changeling.

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