Finding a friend-Kryoz Gaming

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The yellow lines on the highway sped by in a blur, and we flew through the night, and we felt free. But we weren't, and we knew it. We were running away from something, and running away was never the path to freedom. I thought about telling John to turn back. I thought about suggesting that we were making a mistake. But he would probably just get mad at me. We were best friends for gods sake. We grew up together, so we decided to leave together as well. I decided to not tell him and just get out of the car at the next gas stop.
After that night when I had left him, we hadn't spoken again until a few weeks ago on accident. I was with my boyfriend Evan Fong, he was playing Uno with some of his friends. The doorbell rang and he had to get the groceries he had ordered so he asked me to take over for him for a bit so he wouldn't lose. When I sat down, all the guys started to hit on me. I looked at their usernames, one stood out to me but I ignored it. They were BigJigglyPanda, Ohmwrecker, and KryozGaming. They were all really funny and seemed like really cool guys. Kryoz kind of looked familiar so I asked him if he was the guy I had left in Washington all those years ago-of course I didn't phrase it like that, I'm not an idiot. I simply asked if he was John Kryoz. He said yes and how I knew his name. I didn't answer, I just called Uno and let Evan take over.

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