For the Dancing and the Dreaming

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     "Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore asked calmly. That was he first time he had noticed the boy. Raven hair, Emerald eyes, quick smile. The boy, age fourteen, was beautiful. As was the boy who noticed him. He was tall for his age, pale skin, almost as pale hair, and eyes as grey as glass. Draco Malfoy, looked at the boy, the one who had defeated Voldemort when he was a year old, and saw something beautiful.

     "May I sit here?" Harry turned. A boy, around his age, in Durmstrang robes, gestured to the seat next to him. He was beautiful. His hair was the color of sunlight on snow, his skin, pale and umblemished, and his eyes, his eyes sparkled with intelligence and wit. They were the color of the sea on a cloudy day, with flecks of silver and blue scattered throughout his iris. "Umm, may I?" Harry shook his head. "Yes, yes, of course. I'm Harry, by the way." The blonde smiled. "Yes. I know. Your headmaster seemed agitated when your name was selected. I'm Draco Malfoy." He sat next to Harry. "What would you recomend to eat here? I know not of most of your foods." Harry grinned. "Well, Draco, my favorite food is treacle tart."

     As the days went by, Harry and Draco got to know each other better. They talked of Quidditch, Draco played chaser, and obviously rooted for the Bulgarian Quidditch league. Harry told him of the Hogwarts team, and how he was the youngest seeker is a century. They talked of the weather, of what they hoped to do when they got out of school, and of their family. Well, of Draco's family. "My mother is my backbone." Draco said. "I would not be who I am today without her influence." Although he spoke highly of his mother, he was not as quick to speak of his father. "I get my eyes from him." Is all he would say. Harry often got lost in those eyes. Their blueish grey was mesmerizing, and he loved the way they lit up when Draco talked about Quidditch, or Potions, or his mother. By the end of the first trial, Harry knew. He had fallen hard for the boy in the Durmstrang robes.

     "'Mione, what do I do? I think I'm love with him, and I don't know how how he feels or if that's how I feel, and I just want to hide in a ball of treacle tarts and get away from the tournament and uuuuuugggg." Hermione snickered. "It's so obvious he likes you too. But instead of focusing on him, you need to focus on this." She tapped the golden egg. "Although... you might perform better with your feelings out of the way." She sat in thought. "Harry, grab your map." Harry glanced up. "What?" Hermione looke exasperated. "The Maruders Map, Harry. What else would I say? Your Charms homework?" Harry slowly went upstair to grab his map. Bringing it downstairs, he whispered, "I solomly swear I am up to no good," and immediatly looked for Draco's name. Hermione took the map from his hands, and sought out Draco's name. She found it in the library, alongside a girl named Cassiopia. Harry moaned in agony. "He's probably snogging her. I know it." Hermione, with a determined look on her face, grabbed Harry's wrist and dragged him out the portait hall, muttering under her breath, "We'll see about that."

     "I like him Cass. I really really do. But how would Father react?" Draco murmured. He was on the floor of the library, knees to chest and head in hands. "He'll disown me. Say I'm a disgrace to the Malfoy line, that I'm not worthy to be his son. Uugghh what do I do?" The girl sitting with him rubbed small circles on his back. She was younger, by about two years, and although she had dark, chestnut hair, her eyes were almost
identical to Draco's. "I don't know, брат, I don't know. Mama would love him, right? If Mama loves him, does anything else matter?" They heard the library door slam, and a familiar voice talking. "Just leave it alone 'Mione. He can snog her all he wants. I just don't care anymore." Draco stood up. "Harry," he called, "Harry, over here!" Harry turned around with a sullen look on his face. "What do you want, Malfoy?" He smiled. "I want you to meet my sister. Harry, this is my sister, Cassiopia Malfoy, a second year at Durmstrang. Cass, meet Harry. He's the one I was telling you about."

     "It's very nice to meet you. Draco has told me so many things about you. I hope to see one of your Quidditch games someday." She giggled. "I bet your very good at riding a broomstick." She glanced at her brother with a stinkeye. Draco cut her off quickly. "Hermione, would you be willing to tell my sister about S.P.E.W.? She is also very passionate about the wellbeing of house-elfs. She freed 3 of ours before father found out." Hermione glanced at the two boys, smiled, and nodded. She looped her arm around Cassiopia's shoulders, and walked out of the library, Cass in tow.

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