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There are people in this world who, as much as they claim not to be, are actually terrible.

They are terrible, and their terribleness often reaches levels which are unreachable to those who are not as terrible.


Because that's just how terrible they are.

Let's visualize.

A woman is taking her infant out for a stroll in the park. She breathes in the scent of Summer air and shakes a rattle in front of her baby's face to get him to laugh. It works. She continues to take a walk around the park, the pond where she watches the duck take her ducklings out for a swim. She watches in awe as the ducklings follow her like her own tail. After they get out to dry off, she continues to walk.

Yeah, a lot of walking.

Let's just assume she was an ex-runner or something.

That works.

Anyway, as she sits down and lets her child take a nap, she takes out a book she was carrying in her stroller, and reads. It's not long before some unusual activity is going on in the area, but is she aware?

She's currently engulfed in the book she's reading, and doesn't pay attention to her surroundings. I mean, it wouldn't kill you to take a quick peek on both sides of a bench every once in a while. But no, it's just not possible at the time, because she's busy with a book.

After a chapter more, she rises to put her book back where it was and continue taking her stroll, only to find that the carriage is not there. The carriage not being in the spot she left it in isn't entirely her fault. It is the kidnappers. Why did they become kidnappers?

Because kidnappers are, as you would call, terrible.

The life of an individual is sacred, important and holds the utmost value. An individual who takes the life of one is dishonored, dealt with and severely punished. Anyone can be that kind of person, and there is no favourism.

But this is not the story of something kind of death.


It is the story of, quite the opposite actually.

It is rare to find the life you imagined when you were younger. After all, dreams die and new ones are created. Some don't even know what they want to do, who they want to be. But that's normal.

Usually, people ask kids that question, awaiting the partly expected results like, "I wanna be a unicorn!" or "I wanna be a dodo bird!" Children are a gem.

Then they grow into teens.

Teens have a much better understanding of life, and do not engage in silly games after they turn a certain age. But still, teenagers know little. Heck, depending on either how they've been brought up or their influences in life, they can become the terrible unknown people we know today as robbers, terrorists, or even revenge-seeking creeps about to knock on your door.

That would be, rather terrible.

But they can also become amazing people.

Amazing people who give to the poor, drive a taxi willingly and just enjoy their lives.

But what about the people who see unusual beings in real life when they're supposed to be behind a screen starting in a children's show?

No one knows.

I mean, it's possible for the outcomes too be lovely.

But then again, there's always the possibility that it could be terrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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