Chapter 1 - The beginning of it all...

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Dear Diary,

Day 1 of school;

Today was horrible, I had no lunch, and no real friends. It was embarresing. I didn't bring any lunch money, because my mum thought it was free. I mean WHAT KIND OF LUNCH IS FREE MOTHER? Anyways, a few crazy things happened to me today... I'm going to write it all down. It all started, this morning I woke up extra earlier just to makesure I wouldn't be late for my first day of school. I was so tired, exhausted. And got an apple and some juice and went to get dressed. I got into my awfully uncomfortable school clothes and put my hair up. "I'm going to walk to school now, mum!" I yelled with exhaustion. I grabbed my bags and left for school. On the way to school, I noticed a girl with glasses, a tight little skirt and her hair down. She stared at me for awhile, and then finally said something "Hello," she face." She said looking at me oddly. "Hi." I replied. "Are you new around here, I've lived here for several years and never seen your face before." I began to walk faster and respond with a polite "yes, I am new." She tried catching up with my speed and asked "Would you like to be my friend?". I said "Sure, but I'm in a rush. Cya at school!". I walked inside of school and made my way to my first class Math. I hate math, because I am so stupid and I'm not as smart as the others. I walked into class with a hand full of books. I tripped and dropped all of my books, everyone laughed at me. 'Great' I thought, Humiliated on my first day already! I got back up and picked up my books. I walked up to a desk and sat down. I placed my books down and rested my head on my hand. "Alright Class! Today, we have a new student. Everybody meet Fia!" The class teacher announced with a huge smile on her face. Everyone looked at me suspiciously, and some even smiled at me. I of course, smiled back. I was nervous and anxious.

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