fOreST fIc (the dank version)

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"thE RaIns aRe cRuncHy" said Tyler
"mhM YEP yEp iTs lIkE pUrple oR somEthing" josh guessed at this, for he wasn't familiar with Tyler's speech
"sHUt ThE fUcK uP JoSh uR dUmb u DId it WronG"
Tyler's mother knocks on the door
"tYlER u DeLLusIonAl bItch U iN TheRe?!?"
Tyler shoved josh into his closet just in time for his mom to come in
"HeY bIch We'Re SeEing uR bRaiN gUy"
Said his mother
"u mEaN mY pSYchIAtRist?"
Said Tyler, knowing immediately what she meant
"yeAH yEaH bE gOOd tO gO iN fIvE heCkiNg mInutEs"
His mother left the room
"COme oUt bitCh u GottA gO"
Said Tyler, pulling Josh out of the closet and pushing him out the window
As Josh fell off of the two story house, all that Tyler heard was Josh hit the bushes in front of his house
"sHit mY mEtAcArpALs BoNe!"
Exclaimed Josh, then he went to the forest

"HeY Dr. PaUlSOn"
Said Tyler when he walked into his psychiatrist's office
"hEY biTch R U sTiLl liKe saD aNd dELuSioNal r WhaTeveR"
Said Doctor Paulson
"YEah aNd I <3 JOsH"
Said Tyler, for he did
"NO hEs nOt rEal BiTch StOp"
"WHatEvEr fUcK yOu Bye"
Said Tyler, as he left the office

Back at home, Tyler met Josh in their treehouse
"HEy bItCh"
Said Tyler, as he climbed up the ladder and into the treehouse
"HEy lMaOooo hErEs a kNife"
Said Josh, flicking his lighter on and off
"JeSus cHrIst u PyRoManiac BitcH"
Said Tyler, as he carved the word
Into a plank on the floor
"JEeZ u PussY bItch, WhY u So ScAred"
Said josh, looking at the freshly carved words in the floor
"BEcAuse uR tUrnInG oN tHat lIghTer iN a HighLy fLaMmaBlE tReE hOuSE??!!?!"
Said Tyler, and josh turned off the lighter
"Ha Ur fUNnY"
Said josh, and grabbed Tyler's hands
"lMaOoooooOo ur HOT"
Said Tyler, and leaned in to kiss josh
"dA FUk?"
Said Josh
Tyler burst into tears and left
Said josh

Tyler ran toward his house, smashing his face into the glass front door at full speed
Said Tyler
"tyLER whAT thE fUck"
Said his mom, opening the front door as Tyler fell into her arms
"mOoMmmYyy I waS dUmmY aNd jOsh nO LiKeY aNd idK whaT tO doooo"
Whined Tyler
"BITch FoR tHe lASt tIme jOsh AinT a REaL bOy"
"uGH whAtEver MOOoOoOom iM gOinG to SEe joSh"
Said Tyler, and he dashed out the front door and into the woods faster than u can say 'huge gay boy'

Said tyler, clambering into the tree house
"SHhHhhHHhhHhhhuT ur moUTh"
Said Josh, pressing his random piano note lips against Tyler's
"oH sHit wAdduP waNNa fUk?"
Asked Tyler
"WAYyyy AhEaD oF U"
Said Josh, and so they fuk
After, josh talks about his sad home life
"ITs LiKe bLuE Or sOmethIng"
Said josh
"YEaH I KnOw"
Said Tyler, which angered josh, for he could never know the pain Josh went through
"dO yOu kNoW wHAT iTs lIkE tO bE bEaTeN bY dRuNk mAn?!?"
Said Josh angrily
"YEah WhAtEvs dAwG"
Said Tyler, and he left the tree house

Tyler went back home
"mmMOoOooomMmmYyy I fUkeD uP aGAiin, oH aLso wE fUkED"
Said Tyler
"oH sHit SrY m8 dId iT hurT?"
asked his mother
"NOpe I lIkeD it"
Tyler wondered if he was supposed to like it
"oH daMn Kk bRb"
Said his mom, and once she was gone he heard a knock on the window, it was josh
"heY sRy aBouT eArlIer wAnna come hANg"
Said josh
"YeAh sure Kk"
Tyler said, and they walked into the woods together
"uR nOt rEeaaL"
Tyler said out of nowhere
"dA fUk U meAn"
Said Josh, and he back handed Tyler across the face
"aH ShIt"
Said Tyler, and ran home... again

Tyler ran into his room and him mom cave to comfort him
"sHIt u JuSt kEeP getTing sAd"
Said his mom
"yeAh oOf"
Replied Tyler, who was crying now
"ugH okaY bRb"
Said his mom, and Tyler sneaked out of the window

Tyler was now in the woods looking for Josh
"jjOoOOSHHH R U ReAl r nAh"
Tyler waited and got no response, so he thought he may as well go to the treehouse
"SHit jOsh iSnt here either"
Said Tyler, and then he spotted the lighter
Tyler flicked it on, but Tyler was clumsy and dropped it on the floor of the treehouse
"oH fUk"
Said Tyler as the treehouse burst into flames, consuming Tyler

At the funeral, everyone was surprised to see that Josh was in fact real and they spend a shit ton of money of unnecessary therapy
Josh got up to the podium to say a few words
"hE waS kinDa a pUsSy, bUt I Know For a FaCt hE dIdNt haVe oNe cUz wE fUkEd lMAOoooo"
And they only said one thing


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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