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"Mom, how is Maddy? Is she doing okay?"

"Yes Austin, Maddy is fine. Has Karla remembered her yet?"

"Not yet. She has remembered our first date after the concert though."

"REALLY!? That's great."

"Karla and I will be home later today, will you please help me tell her?"

"Yeah, I will but you are going to say it and I am here to support you."

"Can I please talk to Maddy?"

"Yes, I will put it on speaker phone."


"Daa, Daa."

"Hi baby girl I miss you."

"She misses you too Austin." Katelyn said in the background.

"I love you I will see you soon."

Then Katelyn took it off of speaker.


"Thank you mom I will see you soon!"

"Your welcome, and I will have Ali wait in a different room with Maddie while you talk. Then if she want to see her then Ali will bring her in. I will be at your place around two this afternoon."

"Okay, goodbye."


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