Chapter 1

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Our generation poem<3

Our generation will be known for nothing.

Never will anybody say,

We were the peak of mankind.

That is wrong, the truth is

Our generation was a failure.

Thinking that

We actually succeeded

Is a waste. And we know

Living only for money and power

Is the way to go.

Being loving, respectful, and kind

Is a dumb thing to do.

Forgetting about that time,

Will not be easy, but we will try.

Changing our world for the better

Is something we never did.

Giving up

Was how we handled our problems.

Working hard

Was a joke.

We knew that

People thought we couldn't come back

That might be true,

Unless we turn things around

Now read up<3

That poem is an inspiration<3

Chapter 1

Today was one day since Rose had passed away... Mae was the only thing Tom had left after Rose died... Mae's the reason tom wakes up every day...

Toms P.O.V-

"Oi bro, you all goods?" Sam said patting my back. "Yeah" I replied quietly while putting Mae into her pram. Today was going to be hard, going to roses grave to lay flowers was seriously going to upset me. I walked down the street away from my flat and towards the grave yard where rose laid. I stood there holding Mae in my arms holding her tight. "Rose Mae Tour, we miss you" I said steering at the grave stone. I laid the flowers down on the grave when roses parents walked around the corner. "hey tom, how are you?" Roses mother jane said warping her arms around me. "good miss Tour." I replied with a fake smile. "when you go back to school tom?" jane questioned. I shrugged. "well boy" roses father john said "what are you doing with Mae she looks a mess. your to young to look after a one year old!" He snapped. john didn't like me, I think it's because of my brother and family's background. "stop yelling at the grave john!" Jane snapped pulling john away from me. I put Mae back in her pram "see you later tom."Jane said laying some flowers on roses grave. I waved and turned to the exit and headed home. I walked down the street pushing happy little Mae in her pram. maybe I was a bit young to look after Mae I mean like I am only 17.

I turned the corner to see my brothers rusty car sitting in front of my flat. my stomach turned to have a nott in it. I made my way to the house and though the gate to see a smelly hairy hobo on my front door step. "tom lil' bro I need you!" he said gasping for air. "go away Leo, I don't need you." I said steering at him. he completely ignored me. "who's that!?" He said in disgust. "where's Rose!"

"This is my daughter! Mae don't ever say that again! or i..." I paused and looked at Mae who was in tears. I picked her up out of the pram to hold her. "your a dad!?" he said shocked.

"Yes. can I get inside to feed Mae!" I said pulling the keys out of my pockets while holding Mae in one arm. He moved out the way to let me open the door. as I turned the key he put his hand on my shoulder...

"Bro' I need you" he said. I simply opened the door and slammed it in his face. I put Mae up stairs in her cot, then it hit me.

I left the pram outside, great I'll have to go and get it I guess. I looked out the window. he was still there and so was the pram. god I hate myself for this... "Leo.. come in side now."I demanded as I opened the door to let him in. "bring the pram too." I told him.

"Knew you'd change your mind bro'" he said with a ray of happiness. He stumbled in side I but the pram under the stairs and pointed the hunk to the dinning room.

"What's up now?" I questioned afraid of the answer.

"I-I-" he stuttered "I got into dealing drugs again." he said looking down to the lemonade I gave him.

"WHAT!?" I said with anger in my tone

"A gang wants me dead. I just needed some money and mum wouldn't take me back." he said disappointed in himself.

"Well last time you almost killed your self and our family! and now a gang wants you dead! and you decide to walk into my house where my 1 year old daughter lives!" I was

Just getting started when I heard cries from up stair... Mae. I stormed upstairs and calmed down when I saw her in her crib with tears. She soon settled back down now I have to give the bum (Leo) a place to sleep. I pulled out some blankets and trucked them on couch where he was watching tv.

"Good night" I said still angers with him.

"Later" he replied not noticing my anger.

"Oh one more thing.... don't mind dave when he comes in with Tessa" I said climbing back up the stairs to my warm bed. I shared a room with Mae as it's only a 2 bedroom house and I live with Tessa and dave, I liked Mae being in my room it made me feel safe and hopefully it made her feel safe.

Hey guys!!!(: hope you enjoyed the first chapter!(: there's plenty more to come!(: and I hope you loves the poem as well.. I found it on the internet and I just had to share it!(: anyway have a nice day/night!⭐️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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