meeting him

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Taehyung focus

A normal day at school, that's what it was. Taehyung sat at his desk staring out at the school field, fixated on two birds flying above his favourite tree.

While focusing on the birds flying loops around eachother he tried to forget he was in school, that he was at his desk waiting for the lunch bell, that he even existed.

That was before a loud, piercing voice called out his name just as the bell rang, taehyung snapped out of his daydream, looking up to see an eager girl holding out a nicely wrapped lunch box with a note on the side.

"Taehyungie! I made you lunch today hope you like it!" The girl said with an enthusiastic smile,

"Thanks Kiki! But you really don't have to make me lunch"

Saying this taehyung stands up and gives her his signature boxy smile and accepts the lunch, Kiki nods and runs away quickly.

Kiki's always been friends with taehyung, of course she wanted to be more than his friend and she definitely wasn't the only one.

She was the leader of one of the biggest gangs in school and everytime someone seemed like they were interested in taehyung she would threaten them before they got closer. All Taehyung wanted was to have a few more friends, Kiki didn't allow it.

Taehyung quickly finished his lunch and diverted his focus back to the birds outside.

Jungkook focus

The tall muscular brunette stood outside the school glaring at the doors of his soon to be new school; he was scared. He tried not to be but fear consumed him. Jungkook has always hated the first day, in fact he despised it: all the stares the whispers the fact that he didn't have any friends, it was all frightening to him.

He started to walk back home dreading tomorrow until a pressure was placed on his arm, someone had bumped into him or rather he bumped into them.

Jeongguk quickly apologized and started walking away before the figure he collided with grabbed his upper arm and pushed him into the nearest wall back first, jeongguk was confused and started to struggle to get away but the boy pinning him against the wall was stronger and easily kept him in place.

"What do you want?"

Jeongguk tried to sound confident hoping it would scare away the taller figure but it didn't work.

"How about you watch where you're going next time idiot"

The other boys eyebrows furrowed as he stared down at the younger guy in fury.

Jeongguk started to sweat, he didn't know what to do he'd never felt this threatened in Busan. This made it clear Seoul was different and that he wanted to get away, quick.

A muffled bell rang in the background and he could hear students from afar, he wanted to scream out for help but before he could his mouth was instantly covered by a large dry hand as the other was getting ready to punch him, jeongguk closed his eyes hoping for the best until:

"HEY! what's that over there!"

A voice called out from the distance the guy Infront of jeongguk turned around quickly before another slightly shorter guy kicked him in the leg and pulled away jeongguk as the other guy fell to the ground in pain.

Jeongguk sighed in relief and looked up to see a shorter guy with gray hair and clear fair skin. His eyes a dark brown, the kind that you just wanted to look at all day.

(Taehyung has the hair he had from ly: her cuz I like that hair idk)

They stopped next to a coffee shop out of breath and both started laughing hysterically.

After about a minute of laughter taehyung stopped and smiled at jeongguk,

"you're lucky I got there in time he was definitely gonna beat you up if I hadn't been there"

Jeongguk frowned

"No way I was totally about to beat him you just interupted"

He said trying to give taehyung an intimidating look that just ended up failing miserably

Taehyung giggled at this making jeongguk flustered, he didn't like seeming weak to other people but he was fine with him for some reason, it was probably because he didn't seem like a threat.

"If you say so, I'm taehyung!"

Taehyung stated while giving the boy in front of him his cute boxy smile.

This made jeongguk smile back since who could resist taehyung's smile.


He replied awkwardly but taehyung found it cute and smiled even more.

Taehyung turned around heading into the coffee shop signaling for jungkook to follow him.

(I'm kinda new to the American school system since I'm not from America or from anywhere that uses the same system so sorry if I get any thing wrong  later on🙏🏻✌🏻)

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