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To: MARK.LEE.99@AOL.com

"Hi Mark-hyung!" My mom set me up a email to talk to you! She says now we can talk to each other without even seeing each other! That's really really cool!!! My mom's helping me out with writing this right now, she says hi.

Donghyuckie :)

Replying to: Lee.Hyuck.00@AOL.com

"Hey Hyuckie! It's me, Mark-hyung. I had fun at your house today! Hi Hyuckies mom! You make really, really good food. Yum. When are you going to invite me over again? Write me back when you can!

(Your favorite hyung) Marklee :-)

Replying to: MARK.LEE.99@AOL.com
"Hi hyung! It's your favorite dongsaeng, Hyuckie. My mom said you could come over next week! We're gonna watch Madagascar!!! I'm so excited I can't wait!

(Your favorite dongsaeng) Donghyuckie :)


The two boys relaxed in the Lee's family room while watching the movie they had been waiting for. The younger one sprawled out across the fort the two boys had made a few hours prior. The elder had the duty of making popcorn.

Both Lee families were very close, for Donghyuck and Mark's mothers grew up together. They were best friends. The two families grew together even after both Mrs. Lee's got married to their respected husbands. Every Sunday after church, the families meet at Mark's house and on holidays, Donghyuck's. The two boys were used to sleeping at both houses, they made themselves at home no matter which house they slept at.

But Donghyuck's House was always reserved for the boys sleepovers. Despite Donghyuck being just 6, and Mark turning 8, the two boys were abnormally close.

And so every Saturday, Mark would stay over at Donghyuck's house and the two would go to church with each other the next day.

"Hyung, hyung, hyung! The movies starting soon! Hurry, you'll miss the previews!" Luckily, the popcorn had just finished popping but was still arguably hot.

"Hyuckie! I told you not to start the movie until I was done! Hyuck, pause it." The older responds, running to get the burning hot popcorn out of his hands and to the fort as soon as possible.

"No," The other responds flatly. He turns to the boy seated next to him. "I waited five minutes for you and I know popcorn only takes three minutes, I counted." Donghyuck pouts while crossing his arms.

"Fine. I guess somebody doesn't want popcorn." Mark retorts while grabbing the bowl the popcorn sat in.

"No! Hyung, I take it back. I'm sorry. Your popcorn making is very good hyung. The best!" The boy babbled on trying to get back the (in)salted snack.

The boys barely made it through Madagascar with both dosing on and off every now and then. Mark had noticed that Donghyuck had fell asleep my the time the credits were rolling. That must have been why it was so quiet.

Mark picked up the younger and placed him on his back as he carried him up the staircase to Donghyuck's bedroom.

The elder placed Hyuck on the bed and then gently flopped down next to him. Soon both boys fell asleep under the Jeju stars.

———Ik Mark didn't come to Korean until he was 12 and he lived in Seoul but besides that, I'll make this book as correct as possible 🙃

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Ik Mark didn't come to Korean until he was 12 and he lived in Seoul but besides that, I'll make this book as correct as possible 🙃

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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