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"you're telling me you didn't see that?" I said, with wide eyes pointing to the table near a window. I was currently at a restaurant for some stupid neighborhood gathering.
"see what?" rush asked. rush is my friend, she lived a few houses away from me.
"th..that..flash!" I said, still pointing at the window across the restaurant.
"no" she laughed, thinking I was joking.
"I'm not kidding! I saw a flash right over there!" I said. "Is it raining out?" I said standing up and squinting to look over outside.
"no y/nnn" she laughed again. "your just seeing things"
"no! I swear I saw something." I retorted.
"No you didn't" she replied giggling looking back down at her plate.
"I-uh, oh.. maybe it was someone taking a picture or something" I muttered. I could have sworn I saw it. It couldn't be someone taking a picture, no one was sitting there. but it wasn't lightning, it's not raining out. was I really seeing things?
"aren't you gonna eat your food?" rush asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"oh-uh yea." I muttered, shoving a fry into my mouth. what the fuck just happened to me.

I slipped into the car as my mom got inside. she turned on the radio and began driving home from this dreadful restaurant with ass food.
I hummed along to the music as it filled my veins. music gave me energy and made me feel alive. i couldn't go a day without it. i tapped my foot and looked out the window, thinking of him.

He was a curly haired boy. skinny, pale, dark haired. but he had the cutest smile, and most gorgeous freckles. I don't know his name though. maybe it was fate, forecasting my future lover. but I wish fate was a person and not just a stupid word, so fate could tell me his name. one day he just popped into my head. I don't know who he is or why I think of him..I just do. I tell my brain to stop it, but that just results into me talking to myslef. I swear I see him sometimes though. him just standing in the distance, but I know he's not real. he can't really be there. he's probably not even a real person. or maybe he is real, and he is thinking of me right now. but only time can tell.


my phone goes off. I pick it up and see my alarm going off.

make a wish💘

yes, I do keep an alarm for 11:11. everyday at 11:11 I cross my fingers a make a wish. the same wish I have always made since last year. I wish to meet him.
I crossed my fingers under my sleeves so my mom wouldn't see and I mumbled under my breath. "I have hope that I will get to see you. get to meet you. fall in love like we're supposed to. like, fate is telling us. I have hope that you see me too, and that I cross your mind daily, because you are always on my mind. I would love to get to know yo-" before I could finish, the clock hit 11:12. bummer..untill next time, 11:11.

the car parked in the garage and I rushed inside and to bed. tomorrow will be better, and I hope, slightly less crazy. because right now, I feel psychological.

"soulmates never die"

a/n: sorry if that was confusing.

don't worry, y/n does NOT have a stalker.

anyways, finn is 17 and HE IS famous in this book and he does live in Vancouver. y/n is 16 and lives in New York (not the city, the state.)

both of them go to high school, obviously not together.

you've gone mad ~ finn wolfhard x readerWhere stories live. Discover now