I see his name on my phone
And it always feels like new to me
He's like an anonymous man I've never known in history
And yet he's just the man I've loved for real.
We passed by one's side
Never said a thing, yet smiled
And as I took one last glimpse of him
It came back to where it all began
Heart beating so fast and rapidly
I thought its over,
I thought I'm over how he smiled at me
Since the first day we met.
But I fall right back again,
I fight for it once more
But I couldn't help myself.
He floods my thoughts every millisecond of everyday
Gravity's too strong
I try to swim as much as I could
But I kept on drowning and its okay.
If only he could see the way my face lights up
Every time I see him even for a millionth time of the day
I take a deep breath from my lungs
Trying to get off from him
But my thoughts wander back to him always.
The way his eyes sparkled whenever he talks to me
The way he teases me with petty things
The way he tries to calm me down,
It's the beauty of his soul that captured my heart
And I fell in love so hard.
I don't know how it came to be
Thousand miles apart from each other since birth,
I stared at the sky wondering where he was
Sixteen years had come to pass
And he came by a surprise like an angel.
He makes my world spin around
He wakes me up in the darkest hours of the night
And he's all I think about at 3am,
And it was when I met him
When I understood what it was to be in love.
It was when I met him
When I came to understand what it feels to have sleepless nights
Thinking about that special someone
It was beautiful.
Yet one nightmare that left me so wet in tears
The nightmare in which I lost him
The nightmare in which he said "I do" to the girl he loves
Those nights I can't imagine myself the day I won't be with him
But I woke up, wiped my tears away, and let it go.
I wish that he will be someone I'd wake up with every morning,
As someone I'd eat with on the table,
As someone I'd bike with as the sun sets,
As someone I'd hold my hands with till they get numb,
As someone I'd take gazillion pictures with,
As someone I'd sleep with at night,
As someone who will fight and shield me
And as someone whose hairs would grow white with me.
From me to you
RandomMaybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn’t have. Maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again