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Wondering looks,
Cigarette burns and bruises that cover,
Tears falling left and right,
No one is daring to give a helping hand,
Looked away once,
Now my hair is a mess,
No safe haven to see,
So, learning basic medical is all I need,
Wrapping up scars and hiding behind a nervous smile,
I begin a new beginning
At Hope Peak’s Academy,
Where I can do what I love,
If only that was simple.

She showed me a beautiful feeling,
I drowned myself in it,
To hold a place by her,
To feel the emotion,
That was carved out of me,
Her love was everything,
But it seems,
That my use,
Will become my downfall,
She was my beloved,
Who filled the world,
With what she's about,
Without her,
I am no one,
Someone who doesn't deserve,
Or get recognition,
But, my broken shards,
Were fixed,
And I lost my beloved,
And my reason to be.
Only hope shined through the closed dark room,
Each step I took,
It was away from all I knew,
A new future for me,
And all who drowned in the despair.
We stand in the aftermath of our mistakes,
That we overcome,
Letting the old scars fade,
And facing the outcome,
With a stronger sense of hope.

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