When the young man's wife died he cried. He mourned her for months on end. He prayed to the heavens that her beauty and love would never leave him and asked that it stay with him and he would never be or feel lonely. And in that moment the heavens had opened and light came down to the man and in the spot that he knelt down at and prayed a flower sprouted forth from the ground. It grew within the blink of and eye. It was a rose. The gift he had asked for. Its beauty was beyond that of any other flower. It's petals as white as the newly fresh snow that began to fall. The feel of it's petals so soft like that of fine silk. It became his everything. His pride, joy, and his light when ever he felt sorrow or upset. The sight of it was enough to make his world seem full of love and light. He cherished it with all his love and life. He built a garden around it to keep others from seeing the Rose that was given to him from the heavens. That was made for him from the love and beauty of his beloved wife. One day a traveler was wondering around aimlessly and stumbled into the garden and caught a glimpse of the flower. As he did the now older man cried out, "Get way from her! Leave now and never come back!". The traveler ran caught off guard, frantic, and scared. The gentleman ran to his flower and checked on her to see that she was fine and that no harm had came to her. For she was everything to him. As he looked upon her he sighed with joy. She was fine and healthy. But little did the gentleman know that not far from his home the traveler was making plans to steal the flower for himself.
Later that night the traveler set out to steal the flower with shovel in hand towards the garden. As the traveler approached he checked around for the gentleman but there was no sight of him around. He very quietly neared himself inch by inch towards the flower while listening intently for any noise or sound that the gentleman was approaching. As he began to dig up the flower the gentleman had started slowly turning the corner he noticed the traveler and looked down at what the traveler was doing and became distraught at the sight of the traveler digging up his beloved and cherished flower. He began to run at the traveler screaming don't you dare take her from me. She is mines and mines alone. Startled the traveler drew his knife and plunged it deep into the gentleman's side. As the gentleman gasped and removed the blade. The traveler now full of fear and regret at the sight of what he had done fled with tears in his eyes and a heavy heart.
As the gentleman bleed out he tried to fill in the areas up where the traveler had dug to steal the flower. Slowly and with much care he patted and scoped soil into the holes and prayed that his flower would be ok. As he finished filling the holes he coughed up blood. As he coughed the blood sprayed out and some droplets landed on the flower. The elderly gentleman then fell to the ground and closed his eyes. He died hoping that he was able to save his precious flower. As the blood ran down the petals the rose began to turn a beautiful vibrant red. As if to keep the memory of what the gentleman had done on that day to protect it alive for ever.