Halloween night

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Hello! My name is Jack! Some of you may think that I'm obsessed with Haloween, and you know what? You're not wrong.It's my favourite night of the year! Honestly, I'd choose Halloween over my birthday anytime! Well.. at least that's what I would've said last year. I don't hate that holiday, but now, just a thought about going trick or treating makes me freeze in fear. Why? Well..  

It happend last Halloween. Me and my friends gathered at my place, and went trick or treating. I've been driving to my grandparents every year around Halloween time, because I dont have any friends in the city. It's cool to collect candy, but our favoreite part has always been scaring kids. No seriously, have you tried that? It's way more fun than it sounds. We tried scaring each other, but it was nearly as fun.  Few hours later, we reached the last street. Before we begun collecting sweets, my friend called me over.

-Uhm.. Jack, maby we could skip this street this year? 


-Well..you see.. six months ago that house burned down.. replied Aaron pointing at the pitch black house at the end of the street.

-We have heard rumors of people hearing screams at night, and neighbors have seen a dark siluet in the window. 

Said Jay, nervously glancing over his shoulder.

-ha, yeah sure. Never knew you're such a pussy, man. If ghosts scare you so much, you can go home. 

My friends nervously looked at each other, but decided to go with me. After a while we we found oursleves standing infront of the last house. I knocked on the door, and before it opened, I saw something black with corner of my eye moving in the abandandoned building behind us.  At first my heart dropped, but then a black cat ran out of the house which made my pulse slow down.


-Well, well kids. Earn them by a joke. Go big or go home! The lady said

-I just saw a ghost in that building!! Said Alex louder pointing at the house behind his back.

 The smirk dissapeared from ladys face, and I saw her face turn slightly pale. Without saying a word, she turned around to get her candy bag. In the same cold silence she put some candy in our candy bags and rushed to close the door. When we we're about to leave, she said:

-Please, be careful.. and smashed her door locking it. We glanced at each other, and shrugged.

-werido. I whispered.

I don't know what happend in my head afterwards, but I ran to the burnt house, turned around and yelled:

-Hey guys look, I'm a rubber ghost!!!  and started moving the same as those rubber dolls at the malls. I wanted to cheer up my friends, make them forget about that ghost shit', but all I saw was pure fear and terror.

- G-guys what the hell is wrong with y'all? and turned around. The scream of horror stuck in my throat and I felt the fear paralyse every inch of my body. In the broken window I saw a tall, dark, slender creature staring at me with it's white, round eyes. It felt like they were looking into my soul and freezing pulse in my veins. I don't know how long we were standing like this, but I got pulled out of trans when creature dissapeared from the window.


I yelled and nearly lost my voice. Each of us was scared for their lives. We screamed and ran as fast as we could despite our fear paralysded legs. When we made it to the crossroad, I looked over my shoulder. The freak was slowly sliding towards us. Swinging from side to side, twisting his limbs aroud itself. It wasn't a human. Hell it wasn't even an animal. Suddenly it stopped, startred backing up, and heading the opposite direction. Just when we thought its going away, its head SNAPPED on 180  and started full on sprinting thowards us. I swear, I felt my heart pee in my lungs. I wasnt running, I was fucking flying from that cursed place. My head had never been so full, yet so empty - run... RUN!!1 I saw my life flash infront of my eyes. I forgot how to breathe, I didn't felt my legs, the vision begun to blur. I thought my body will collapse in the middle of the street and the monster will tear me up limb by limb, but terror in my heart kept me going.

Finally!! My street, my house, my door!! We made it!! The second we closed the door, everybody collapsed on the floor gasping for air. My friends managed to drag themselves upstairs, while i stayed to lock the door. The second I turned the keys and looked up I saw that monster on the other side of the door. God, that stare.. it paralysed my body and sent shock down the spine. I swear, my soul nearly left my body. It tried to open the door, dragging the handle up and down as if he was the one getting chased, but understood it's locked and disapeared in the dark.

The next day we told this story to my granny, and she told us her own story.

 Long ago an old man was living in that house. He hated kids and teens passing by his house. Then one night fire started at his apartament. When rescuers arrived, he was already burnt pitch black, and  eyelids where gone exposing the eyes rolled back in his head. Two years later, a new house was built on the exact same place, yet ir burned down too. No one knows why. The electricy was fine, the family never used candles and they had no fireplace. Thanks God they were on a vacation that week.

We were shocked, and never spoke about that night ever again, but late at night I still feel the glance of those white eyes staring at me from the darkest corner of my room.. even now..

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