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It's soon the end of summer vacation.
Thinking at the start of classes already tires me.

I would like to leave a moment away from home to change a little environment.

Stretching on my bed, I listen quietly on my phone ASMR on YouTube.
No one is home, my mother comes home once a week because she is sleeping at a "friend's" house and my father and I live separately.
So I can eat and do what I want ~
I really need to do something with my life lol.

Falling asleep, I don't see a light enveloping me.

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It's cold...
I'm instinctively looking for my cover half asleep.

- She's awake!
- You saw how it appeared?
- An angel descended from heaven!
- And this light... beautiful!

Is it me or am I hearing voices? Angel ? Light ?

Opening my eyes, I find myself facing a couple with red and swollen eyes looking at me with an open mouth.

Lost, I look around me to see a crowd staring at me with strange eyes.
I'm in front of a church??? Don't tell me that during my sleep they abducted me to offer me in sacrifice to their God!?

- Where am I? I'm asking them panicking.
Hearing my voice I panic even more. I have a little girl's voice! I still have my black hair... Wait !  I exactly have the body I was at the age of 8 !

-She spoke!
-You heard her voice?

I'm scared. What's going on? How did I land here?
My body shrunk, I find myself in an unknown place and people with weird outfits are assembled around me.

Without realizing it, I breathe harder and harder.

The couple panicking rushed to me, while the woman caressing my head to appease me the gentleman stood before me with a protective air and speaks with an authoritarian tone to the crowd.

-Thank you for coming to my daughter's funeral, God surely have pity on us so he sent a gift from the heaven while looking tenderly at me. From today she will be our new daughter.

- Selfish...
-It's just pure luck...
- Mister Rozen, that's unfair...

Some protest are said among the crowd.
I'm not an object!

- Stop !

Everyone stopped and looked at me.

Embarrassed to have so much attention, I hesitate before I start knowing that I take a risk did not really know him. But I find myself in an unknown place so I need a roof to survive.

-From today I am the daughter of the Rozen! Dad, Mom, let's go. I said trying to use my innocent 8 years smile.

Mrs. Rozen who had continued to caress my head stopped and looked at me tears in her eyes.

What did I land in?

Starting leaving I cross the gaze of a boy with green eyes. It looks exactly like...

- Raoul de Chagny. I said to myself in a low voice.

He throws me a glance filled with amazement before I ascend in the carriage.
He heard me? I don't believe it... and a carriage,  I went back in time either... no this is not possible but I am no longer in the 21st centuries. His gaze confirmed my doubts.

I'm in ~ Opera za no Kaijin ~ an -18 Otome game.

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Aaaaargh! I'm finally done! I took five hours to write this chapter 😥.

For the "Angel" I will explain in the next chapter (let's say everyone saw when she landed in the game 😅)

To avoid losing you, I will create a page to present the characters.

Remember that the game really exists and that this story is my creation and that I would also add characters (like Mr and Mrs Rozen).

And please tell me when I'm wrong 😶.
🌸Don't forget to leave a comment and/or vote it always make happy🌸

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