The 'Monster' Under My Bed

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ewwwwww grosssss old writing


Ava's POV

"You're It!!!" I screamed running upstairs, away from my twin sister, Madeline. I sigh as the pink bow in my hair comes a bit more loose in my hair from my energetic bounding up the stairs. I immediately head towards our shared bedroom, looking for a hiding spot.

My search got more frantic as I heard my 5 year old sisters footsteps travel, slowly up the stairs. "No way she counted to one million already" I muttered under my breath. Then, very faintly, I hear my favourite nursery rhyme playing . As the melody reached my ears, I turn to where the sound was coming from and am faced my bed, messily made and covered girly plushies. I walk to my bed and up in the sliver of space between me and my sisters beds.

I hesitantly lower to the floor, on my hands and knees. I lower my head to the floor, my hair getting in my eyes, attempting to find the source of the tune. My curious eyes land on my teddy bear, that I had lost a few days ago.

A smile finds is way on my face as I reach out to the bear, thinking about it's soft beige fur, my finger barely grazing his small paw. Once I touched it it seemed as though it mover further away from me. "Teddy?".

Madeline's POV

I finally jumped to the top of the tall stair case and looked around the narrow hallway, noticing mine and Ava's room door slightly ajar. I smirk slightly, after having found her whereabouts. I tiptoe over to our shared room and slip through the door. I start looking around, moving everything out of place. After the room looked as if Armageddon took place in it, I decided the only place she can be is under her bed, having already looked under mine.

I walk over to her bed and jump down letting out a yell of victory. "Ha!, Found you!!". I let out a puff of air in a frustrated sigh as I pick my self up off of the ground and run down stairs. "Mommy, have you seen Ava." I say running up to my mom as she puts a sandwich on a small plate. She looks down at me and frowns.

"I thought she was with you Madi" I shake my head and cross my arms. " we were playing hide and seek, but I can't find her" I frown and walk away, running up the stairs, getting ready to check our room again. I immediately skip over to her bed getting ready to check when I hear a soft melody playing from under her bed. I look under her bed trying to find the noise.

My eyes land upon a soft bear sitting upright, a velvety pink bow wrapped around his neck, I frown when noticing the bow Ava was wearing is now on the bear. I stand up and go downstairs waiting for my sister to come and give up.

*two years later*

I shiver whilst laying in my bed, though I'm surrounded by blankets, all they seemed to do was make the air thicker instead of warmer like their intended purpose. I close my eyes trying to sleep but I'm faced with a soft melody resonating from behind me. My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly. I turned towards my sisters bed and pulled my legs out from under my endless mountain of covers and placed my bare feet on the cold wooden floor.

I stood up but immediately sat back down with a yelp when I felt an ice cold hand wrap itself around my ankle. I looked down quickly out of fear for what was encasing my ankle in an icy prison. My eyes went from the small pale hand wrapped around my ankle, to the small paper white arm leading to a equally as blinding white dress and a head of blonde hair. I immediately recognise the pink bow barely holding the thick blonde hair in a loose ponytail.


The girl looks up at me a sinister smiling taking on her features before I feel her tugging at my leg pulling me slowly dragging me off the bed.

"You're it".

*This is shit~~~*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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