Identity crisis

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[I don't own the picture above]

Peter froze , Michelle held her glare.
Ned elbowed Peter and spoke , "M-maybe you should tell her" he failed to whisper and michelle quickly responded.

"Okay first , need you are terrible at whispering. Second, tell me what? Tell me what I already know?"

Peter gulped "what are you talking about ned?" His voice wavered.

'clearly hiding something.'
Michelle thought.

"I mean it would explain a lot Peter really. Your disspearences , dropping out of your classes, running out with no explanation other then "I gotta go" . Peter do I have to spell it out for you?"

She was done at this point , he was going to tell her why all of a sudden he was alive.

"Uhm..yes?" Peter tried to act innocent, but it only annoyed michelle further.

Ned gave Peter a glance ,michelle could be terrifying. Peter sighed and looked around the room.

He was having a panic attack.

Ever since the events on Titan Peter suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. It didn't happen often , unless he felt he was under tons of pressure. Like he was when tony put his trust in him.

Peter fainted , Michelle picked up his book bag and her and ned walked him to the nurse's office.

He came to halfway down the hallway. He decided he would just get a ride home. Peter wasn't all there , so being that he didn't notice michelle kept his things. Ned , called Peter's aunt . Whom already knew he was back, and she picked him up from the school. Peter almost unconicous forgot his things , leaving them in the suspicious Michelle's possession.

Everything was in Peter's bag , including the original suit Stark gave him Wich was rolled up and placed in the bottom of his bookbag.

The bell rung ,and the students ran out of the door like a stampede of cows. Michelle waved goodbye to ned , who was oblivious to the fact that she had Peter's things. Even if he knew , he probably couldn't stop her.

Michelle sat by a tree and drew pictures of the students in denial. Originally she wasnt going to snoop through Peter's things.
Eventually her curiousity took over , and she decided she would do just that.

She unzipped the black napsack , and pulled out Peter's smart phone. 

He didn't have many contacts , or apps , but he had tons of videos and pictures.
First she glanced over the contacts.

'Aunt may'
'Ned leeds'

"Who is that?" She mumbled

The list continued on , just various relatives and friends he never spoke with.

Eventually she came across the contact of someone she didn't expect an outcast like Peter to know.


"Tony Stark? Peter knows the Tony Stark?" She mumbled to herself. She knew he had spoken of a "Stark internship" but she didn't think he was serious.

She started to shift through his gallery. Now she was determined to prove her suspicions to be true.

See saw a lot of pictures , mostly of he and his friends. She eventually ended up towards the end of his gallery. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until she saw a folder , titled confidential. It has a pass code lock.

4 digits , all numbers.

She started punching in different combinations. Eventually after about 20 minutes it unlocked.

A horn honked nearby , it was Michelle's father who had been ready to pick her up.
She shoved the phone back into Peter's book bag , and ran to the car before pulling off and heading home.

Peter woke up in his room after a long deserved nap. He really didn't remember what happened after Michelle starting questions.

He decided that after his rest , he may as well go out on patrol to clear his head. He got up to grab his book bag , Wich was normally stored under his computer desk. Only for it to not be in sight.

"Shit" Peter cursed , he rustled through his things. He needed to find his stuff. His life depended on it.

He realized that maybe need had it , but he didn't have his phone.
"Crap!" He his keys to the apartment and decided he would go to neds. Maybe he had it , hopefully he had it.

"May! I'm going to neds" he shouted into the apartment from the partially open door.

"Okay! Stay safe , and be back soon please" she waved goodbye and Peter ran out the door.

After a 20 minute walk Peter arrived at needs front door.
It was green with a hint of blue , and had a Darth Vader shaped gnome in the front yard. 'definetly neds house' Peter muttered before ned answerd the door.

"Peter! W-what are you doing here?" Ned questioned.

"Yeah about that, where is my bookbag? I was hoping you had it" He explained worriedly.

Neds eyes widened
"Your- it wasn't ?-"

"Yes ned , my suit was in the bookbag" Peter sighed need didn't have it.

"I think Michelle might have your book bag , I though you had it but she could be the only other option" ned replied with a glint of hope.

"Can you call her ned? My phone was in my book bag too . Crap! That has videos from Germany with the avengers. Oh my God.."

Peter started to freak out
"I'm just going to go to her house , maybe she didn't go through it?"

Peter got her address from ned and bolted out his front door.

It was about 5 , so she was probably having dinner.
He hailed a cab and drove to the address printed on the slip of paper ned had given him.

Peter walked up to her front door. He knocked , not to hard because of his enhanced strength , but hard enough to where she could hear.

The door knob jiggled , before a creaky door opened to reveal a small child.

"Hello, is Michelle here?" He nervously asked .

A few seconds after he spoke Michelle loomed out of the dark and into the dimly lit doorway.

"Sup" she spoke with slight sarcasam. Indicating she knew something.

Peter shifted uncomfortably
"Do you happen to have my book bag?" Peter said with an uneasy look.

"Yeah." She walked back into the house , and grabbed the work out book bag. She approached the doorway once again and handed it to peter.

"Thanks.." Peter thought maybe she didn't do anything , maybe he was fine.

They exchanged goodbyes and Peter walked back to his apartment. He plopped onto the couch and drifted to sleep.


Hey guys! Thanks for continuing to read my story.
It's kinda one shot , but I like how it is turning out. I am planning to have many more chapters.

This one was much longer then the last. I am sorry for my cliff hanger type endings to chapters.
I hope this is alright , this is my first time doing anything like this.

If there are typo's im sorry , sometimes auto correct messes things up.

If you enjoy this please let me know below, and if you have any ideas for what should happen next I am open to suggestions.

Thanks! ~kayla

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