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"Okay! Listen up you nerds!" Beca yells from the mic on her DJ booth where she's currently having her Gig.

"Okay, Settle down assholes! And I mean you guys over there in the corner, I see you" She said pointing to the group of guys on the corner or the Bar whose pushing each other.

"So my set Is almost over, But ofcourse y'all know I don't end my shift without having someone sing with me" She yells garning loud appluase and whistle from the crowd

"So for those firstimers there" She said moving her eyebrows up and down "Here's what happens," As she said the words the lights at the club switched off earning some gasps and a Spotlight was the only light at the moment "So this spotlight will go around the club, Once it settles to one person, That person will come up here and sing with me" And she smiled at the crowds applause

"Alright. So let's hit it!" She said and shestarted an intro to a very familiar tune and the crowd went wild as the spotlight started lighting randomly to each person at the room until it settles to one person whose sitting at the Bar stool.

The girl was oblivious to what's happening since she's already drunk, She was guided by the bartendor to the DJ booth and she just complied

"Okay, Hello Miss. What's your name?" Beca asks the girl

"uhmm Chloe Beale?" she answeres

"I don't know, Don't ask me" Beca jokes and the crowd laughs together with the redheaded girl infront of her

"Noo, It's Chloe Beale" The girl said pouting

"That's more like it, Who are you with here tonight?" Beca asks again trying to keep the crowd going

"I have my friends, They're over there" She said pointing to the VIP lounge

"I see, and why were you alone at the Bar?" Beca can't help but ask

"Uh? To get a drink?" The girl answered as if its the most obvious answer

"Oh silly me" Beca chuckles so did the crowd "So can you sing?" She continued

"I hope" The girl replied

"We'll don't worry, This is just simple, I don't play songs that's not familiar to my people yeah?" She said to the crowd earning loud screams once again

"So I'll start it off and you can just follow as soon as your ready, Okay?" She said and the girl nodded

"Alright!" She said and started the tune of TITANIUM

You shout it out,
But I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud not saying much
I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet
You shoot me down, but I get up

Chloe is looking intently at Beca how her perfect alto voice sounds

"Come on Red, Don't leave me hanging" Beca commented after the 1st verse which made Chloe blush and that didn't go unnoticed by Beca

[Chorus: Both girls]
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down but I won't fall
I am titanium

Beca was surprised at Chloe's singing voice, She just stared at the girl infront of her biting her Lips and only then did she noticed how Beautiful Chloe Beale is, Her blue eyes like the sky, Her perfect Jaw line, That lips that has sparkles from her lip gloss and ofcourse the red hair that just suits her well.

Loud applause, Screams and Whistles, Those made Beca and Chloe came back from reality after looking at each other eye to eye

"That was awesome! CHLOE BEALE everybody!" Beca yelled and the crowd cheered louder

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