Why you should stay x Why I love you

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I can't force you to listen to me but I can try. I can't make you care about me but I can try. I can't make you stay for me but I can try. I'm still just that "random girl you don't even know."

But even with that, that doesn't change the way I feel about you. Things have been so much better with you around. I know it's stupid because we haven't met but that's just the way I feel.

No one has ever made me feel the way you do... The way I adore your laugh and your sence of humor and how you care if something is wrong. The way you talk to me and your cocky attitude... The way my heart pounds at the way you say my name or the way you tease me.

How you always say your adorable little phrases or when you yell "PINGA" or even when you imitate people. It's how you are into fighting and you teach me so many things. It's how you are confident in yourself (sometimes). It's how you hate cake like I do and the way you talk to your sister or mom.

It's how you speak Spanish and the way you sound when you do... It's how you are passionate about what you do and you are so smart as hell... It's how you want to go to that school in Georgia and how you are into coding.

It's how you made it into that program and how you are so good with computers. It's all of your corny jokes you make because you are legit one of the funniest guys I have ever met and you have my kind of dark humor.

It's how you love cars like me and you know how to drive. It's how you call me when you are driving and you don't care that your family is there. It's how we have the same taste in music. It's how you sing to me sometimes.

It's how you have a dirty mind and how you always make me blush. It's because you go on all of these adventures and you love to ride those jet skis and because you are you. It's because one day I want to hold you in my arms and kiss your scars on your arms and tell you that I love you and that it was worth the wait because my mom told me when I was younger that everyone has a soul mate no matter where they are in the world.

That's why I believe I'm us because most people would say "fuck that". But I finally found someone who makes me happy and gettting to meet you would be so much more amazing than how you already make me feel. And when you say no one cares about you that makes me sad because I care about you.

A lot and also I know that isn't true because you are this wonderful amazing guy... I don't see how anyone could not like you. You also said I don't even know you... Then help me change that. I want to know you. All of you.

The good parts and the bad parts.. because no matter what I'm not leaving you and I'm not gonna stop caring about you... And yeah I'm just "some girl." But I'm some girl that loves you. I know you may not want to do this whole online thing and I get it. I don't want to pressure you... I can stop with the stuff like calling you cutie if you want... I just want this so bad. I want you so bad. I want an us so bad because I just want to give you all my love.

I can say with confidence that I fully trust you and I have worked hard for this. I will be here till the end and maybe one day, within the next year I will finally be able to be in your arms and call you mine.

Just the thought of being your girl makes my heart swell and like I know you probably want to have someone who is there so you can do stuff.... So I won't hold you back. I'll still be here but I won't hold you back no matter how much it hurts cause I guess that's what love is...

Doing things for someone even if it hurts you because it makes them happy.

But yeah... You make this random girl you "don't even know" happy. So very happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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