C1. Introduction

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Hi everyone! Welcome to a new series. I'm so excited for you to read this but please note English is not my first language, so if you see any spelling mistakes or I should correct anything please comment on the sentence or right at the end. Thank you so much and enjoy!

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The law of air resistance in physics surprising actually didn't excite me, believe it or not.

But what did excite me was the back of Johnston's head. His golden locks shined in the sunlight that reflected through the dusty old science lab window positioned to the right of him. I could only just see his arms from the corner of my eye. His arms skinny but toned wrote down pointless notes from the board.

The only reason I took level 2 physics was to look at Johnston's for an hour or two and yet perfectly I sat right behind him so that I could take in every beautiful detail. I lock my pale blue eyes to the back of his bright colored shirt admiring his back muscles and flick my light blonde hair back behind my shoulder as it slowly falls from being tucked behind my ear. My eyes fluttered at the thought of his arms and body tangled up with mine, if only.

Suddenly a drilling noise entered my ears waking me from my romantic daydream. My body shot up like a meerkat looking above ground and turned my head to look around for the origin of the sound, as my other classmates packed up there note filled books and laptops I realized it was only the lunch bell. No more daydreaming about Johnston and I getting married, damn.

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"Savy" I yelled down the hallway grabbing the attention of a few people standing at their lockers

"Slate," Savannah said as I approached her at her locker. Slate was her nickname for me, my last name. My first name is Astra. My mum practically forced my dad to agree to the name when I was born. My mother is an Astronomer, a space scientist, hence my name.

"So how was your gawking fest?" Savy asks me rolling her eyes, she hated my obsession with Johnston.

"Magnificent," I say smiling sarcastically.

"When are you going to get over that loser," Savannah says throwing her trig books into her messy locker making it even more untidy, classic Sav.

"He's not a loser!" I fire back defensively

"Slate, C'mon, he's been your crush for, like, 5 years now," Savvy says leaning against her now shut locker frowning at me in disappointment.

"I can't help how I feel, I know I'll never outshine Haz," I say looking down at my feet. Johnston was dating one of my close friends Hazel, who was the complete opposite of me. With dark straight hair, tanned olive skin and an almost immaculate body, with curves in all the right places, there was no way Johnston would ever pick me over her.

Hazel and I go way back to 3rd grade back when we used to braid each other's hair and sing nursery rhymes together in school. As we got older we slightly drifted, a classic case of popularity difference as she started going out and hanging out with people she never introduced me too. I didn't mind too much as I met Savannah and we instantly bonded over our love of rom-coms and listening to sad music. Hazel and I always stayed friends though as we had multiple classes together and still got on well. But when she met Johnston, an overlooked nerd, she turned him into one of the most popular boys in the school, and her boyfriend. I knew Johnston before Hazel knew him and to this day hate that I never made my move on him before he became popular.

I could never in a million years break girl-code though, especially since Hazel has never done anything wrong to me. So this leaves me staring at him every day at 12:45 in level 2 physics, a subject which I don't even like.

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