Love Letter to The One

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To The One,

Every morning, the thought, "Today will be The Day!" propels my feet from their toasty slumber. The Day. The Day when we meet. The Day when we chat. The Day when you laugh at my abundant, dark humor. The Day when you fall in love with me.

Because let's face it... I'm already in love with you.

I've loved you from the moment I saw you. You're not only gorgeous, you're the most captivatingly, breathtakingly, I-can't-imagine-looking-away, somebody-pinch-me, cute hunk I've ever seen. I know I sound shallow – believe me, people tell me that all the time – but I'm not.  Others don't see what I see and have the connection I feel and aren't drawn like I am... to you. That's what makes it love. I love you, so I see you as perfection because you fit with me.

Your smile melts my heart. Your sparkle straight up sets my soul ablaze. Your hugs give me strength beyond myself (a challenge for anyone given my natural, Herculean abilities) and reassure me that we will take down any foe in our path... ever.

Sometimes as I scurry about in life, I'll think I see you, but whoever he is, he's not you.  Some guys have looked so much like you that I initially thought they really and truly were, but they weren't. Or minimally, if any of them were, you didn't recognize me, for you would never break my heart. You're a good guy – wait! Hang on! Don't ever tell anyone that because genuinely good guys don't need to announce the trait as everyone who meets them just knows it (and they who broadcast that they're "a good guy" never are). 

Yet, day after day, I continually go forth, assuming the timing must've been off today and hoping maybe tomorrow will be The Day when our paths will cross so our forever can begin.

At night, that's the prayer that graces my lips. Because we deserve to have as many years, months, weeks, days, hours, and even precious seconds together as we possibly can in our lifetime. There are never enough, and we've already missed too many of them. The future is infinite, yes, but so is our past.

Holding the knowledge deep inside my heart that the coming dawn could bring The Day that entwines our entire lives as one, together, I drift off to my dreams where my mind, unencumbered by the little detail known as reality, ensures we're us. Just like we've always been. Happy. United. One. The way we're meant to be. 

Meanwhile, in reality, we haven't even met. Are you still out there, or did Heaven already come and retrieve you from Earth? But seriously, I haven't seen any sign of you lately, so worried, I wonder... 

I hope my dreams aren't my sole portal to you, but until The Day, each night, fast asleep, we'll have our happiness... together.

I love you, only you, always have, always will.

Love, Me

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