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"Baby I'm home!"

I threw my bag on the couch and the keys on the counter before going upstairs to look for my wife

"Mmmm" I slow down my tracks at the weird sound that just passed by

"Fucckkkk" hold the fuck on, that sounds like my wife

Better not me tell this girl is...

I rushed towards my room and pushed the door open. I found the woman I married with her knees on the air, her lips tucked between her teeth with her eyes shut while her finger disappeared inside her core.

 What a sexy ass sight.

I walked further inside, I saw on the tv she had lesbian porn playing on mute and earphones plugged in her ears probably playing some soft rnb music like usual.

I licked my bottom lip in arousal as her smell invaded my nose. I can't believe I have gone two days without even smelling her

I knelt gently on the bed next to her as she kept on squirming, my hand ran softly on her inner thigh. That startled her and caused her to open her eyes. About time

She took off her earphones and attempted to sit up but my lips crushed into hers and forced her to remain laying down.

I could feel her smiling, I know she missed me too. Especially since she's swallowing my lips so hard right now.

She parted her lips gasping when my hand gently made its way to her core. My palm caressed her hot sleek core and I started rubbing on it. I slid my tongue in her mouth to distract her from her core being stimulated, although I doubt that did the trick.

We took our time with the kiss while I gently rubbed on her bud, I could tell the contact was driving her crazy by all the squirming she was doing.

Her hands ran smoothly on my flat midriff under my T-shirt, my other unoccupied hand cupped her perfect b- cup boob and squeezed on the areola further stimulation her senses.

I pulled away from her lips to catch my breath, I looked into her soulful hazel eyes while I slid my middle finger inside her core, enticing a pleading moan from. I smirked at that

I pecked her lips as my middle finger slid in and out of her in a steady motion. I kissed her nose and cheek before finding my way to her spot.

My middle finger and thumb drove her closer to the edge while I sucked on her neck gunning for a hicky

"More" she whispered breathlessly

"More what, Baby?"

"Fingers... More fingers, please Bey"

I caressed her poking nipple with my tongue while my other hand also played with her other nipple.

I slid my index and ring finger inside of her just like she liked it, it drove her more over the edge. She couldn't keep up with her own breathing as I thrust my fingers in her.

Rihyoncé Shots (Lesbian & Futanari) Where stories live. Discover now