Chapter 1

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Authors note: Ok so this is my first fanfic about Diamond no ace/Ace of Diamond. If you see anything that I could approve on don't be scared to say anything, I don't usually get offended easily unless its just extremely rude (you know what I mean). In the future I can right yaoi. If you have any fanfic ideas that you would like me to do just comment or pm me if you want it to be a secret from others. I can also work with you on an idea if need be. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted. Please leave thoughts about the story if you have any.  Also if you want anymore pairings tell me! It can be one-sided or they actually end up together. 😊

Disclamier: I don't own any of the characters that are used in the story. The only ones who know Miyuki is female is Tanba, Mei, and Coach. Therefore Tanba and Miyuki will have a closer relationship then in the canon, but when Miyuki is pretending to be a boy they will act the same as if they were In the anime.

Warnings: Possible Language, OOCness (because Im not that good at writing characters perfectly), and genderbending.

Differences between this AU and others like it: In most Soulmate AU's you can usually only be with your soulmate but in this you can date whoever you want but it can come with side effects if you don't at least meet them once in your life time. If the soulmate mark is initials they don't appear until your sixteenth year (16). All the others are with you when your born. Soulmate marks also causes the ones who have the marks some form of pain depending on where it is. For example, Miyuki's is on the ankle which means pain will ripple through her foot when she meets her soulmate, Sawamura's is on his Bicep but his just gives him a slight sting and makes his arm weak when he meets his soulmate. Mei's is on his shoulder and causes him to feel a burning in his arm. Both Sawamura and Mei have Miyuki's initials. Miyuki is a rare case of a person who has two potential soulmates.

Soulmate: Every soulmate has a different way of knowing when they have found their other half. Whether it be the red strings of fate, having one of your soulmates eye colors, only seeing black and white, or having their initials somewhere on your body, everyone has one. For a young 16 year old female named Miyuki Kazuya, it just so happened to be the initials on your body. The initials of her "soulmate(s)"? Well E. S was the two letters that appeared on her left ankle and N.M appeared on her right ankle. Follow the adventure of Miyuki from when she was offered to go to Seidou to her time with the baseball team. Will she and Sawamura confess? Or will she give up on Sawamura Eijun and go with Narumiya Mei.


Miyuki POV

*flashback begins*

                "Seidou..." I thought to myself on my way home from our baseball game. The school I went to didn't have a girls softball team, so I talked the coach into letting me play with the boys. The coach (and other players) were shocked that I was just as good as them some might say better. Our last game was a lost for us but the catcher for the team was really good! He could read the batters really well, he knew where we would most likely swing and used that to his and the pitchers advantage. I don't remember what his name was though. After the game I sat in the dugout, I think my teammates thought I was upset about the lost, but I was looking at the roof of the dugout with smirk. "I play him again someday..." I thought. I was about to begin packing when I heard a female voice. "Your pretty good." The voice said. I looked up and saw a woman. "I'm not suppose to talk to people I don't know especially when they just walk up to me while I'm sitting in a dugout alone." I said to her. I saw her eye twitch a little and smirked.

"My name is Takashima Rei." The woman introduced herself. "You're a pretty good catcher. I'm here to recruit you to Seidou High to join our baseball team." She told me. I looked at her. "I'm only a first year in Junior High." I told her. Her eyes widened and nodded. "Just know the invitation is always open." She said and let. I probably should have told her I was a girl...oh well. Years later, I was asked to meet Narumiya Mei along with a few others. We gathered in a park and I'm guessing the other guys already agreed to whatever Mei asked them. "Kazuya." He said smirking at me. "Join us at Inashiro. We could make the strongest team out there." He said holding his hand out to me. "I would love to," I said as he gained a happy look in his eyes. "But I was already offered to go to Seidou and I plan on going there." I said with a smirk of my own. He gave me a glare. "I will get you Miyuki Kazuya." He said to me turning away from me. I turned as well. "I'll let baseball do the talking from here on." I said to him. Mei knew I was girl after my father forced me to go to one of his clients homes with him, which just so happened to be the Narumiya's. I walked away from them, "Get ready Seidou..." I thought. "The competition to come will be rough."

*flashback end*

Sawamura Pov

                "That glasses wearing jerk!" I thought to myself as I stomped towards my room that I shared with Kuramochi-sempai and Masuko-sempai. "How dare he not catch my pitches! He's always saying I have no control or anything!" I said aloud. "Maybe I would have more if someone would actually catch for me! Chris-sempai doesn't catch for me all he does is gives me stupid training scrolls!" I huffed out falling onto my bed. A little while later it was time for dinner, I went with my roommates and when we entered the cafeteria I didn't see Miyuki anywhere. "Good I don't want to see him anyways." I thought to myself. We had the usual meal. After eating, I went on a walk down to the field. "Not training yet." I thought to myself as I approach the field. "That's not for another few hours or so." When I got closer to the field I swear I saw someone on it. I walked closer and walked onto the field and just stood there. The person had long brown hair that was about to their mid back. They had on black jean shorts and a black crop top like jacket, black converses, and a bandana. In their hands was one of the teams bats and pitching to them was Tanba. "Tanba-sempai!" I yelled as he looked at me with wide eyes as did the person batting who turned around and I found that the person was most definitely a girl.

"Sawamura!" Tanba yelled out me. "What are you doing?" He asked giving me a slight glare. "Scary.." I thought to myself looking at him. "I just came for a walk and saw someone on the field." I told him. "Um who is this by the way? Why are you pitching to her?" I asked staring at the girl. I don't know why but I felt drawn to her. "Tanba was about to say something when the girl yelled out as if she was in pain and fell grasping her ankle. Tanba and I ran to her. I held my hand out to her as she looked at it with wide brown/amber eyes. When she reached for my hand I felt a shock and judging from her reaction so did she. I couldn't help her up at all because I couldn't touch her. Tanba helped her stand as there was a slight stinging on my right bicep. I looked at my soulmate mark, which read 'M.K' on it. I looked down at the girls left ankle and saw a mark that said 'S.E' and on her right ankle 'N.M'. I looked at her when I looked into her eyes I couldn't help but feel like she was familiar in someway. The brown/amber color isn't very common around here.

I was about to ask her who she was but Tanba cut me of by walking back towards the locker rooms. I was going to follow but decided just to begin my training. I tied the tire around my waste and began running. There was only one problem...I couldn't get that girl out of my head.

*with Tanba and Miyuki*
Miyuki POV

                "One of your marks reacted." Tanba said as he helped me sit down when we arrived in the locker room. I nodded my head and ran my hands through my hair. "Yea...and to Sawamura of all the people it could have been." I said. "Why couldn't I have just had to stupid eye color soulmate thing like my parents?" I asked aloud smacking my head against a wall as I began to change into my male clothes, Tanba turned around of course what a gentleman. After I finished I tapped him on the shoulder and told him he could now turn around. You think it would be awkward to change in front of guys but its really not since I've changed in front of Mei and some cousins of mine. "We'll be playing Shuuhoku in a few days." I said just to make small talk. "And Inashiro will be there as well." I saw him nod as he turned around. "Yea but the main starters wont be playing until after the Inashiro and Shuuhoku game." He said. After that statement we began walking back towards the dorms. Before we got there I did my hair in the normal style that everyone saw it, so that nobody finds out about me being know. The only ones who know are the Coach, Mei, and Tanba (Who found out on accident). "Lets see what happens in a few days..." I thought to myself smirking and walking into my dorm and shut the door.

End Authors note: Well that's the first chapter. What do you guys think? Sorry that it wasn't what you expect and it didn't really talk about soulmates or anything a lot. It'll be explained more as the story goes on.

If you have any suggestions that you would be happy to see just tell me and I can see if it fits with what I have planned.

Hope you enjoy and have a nice morning/afternoon/night!

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