Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:
*Alarm clock chimes*
I open my eyes as i look at the clock and I try to quickly calculate if I can sacrifice washing my hair for an extra 20 minutes of sleep. Maybe if I wasn't single, sacrificing an essential part of looking well would be an option.

Here we go, Katie.

I picked up my phone to see if I had any unread messages and as a matter of fact, my boss did text me if I could come into work a little earlier as usual to proccess some lab samples that night shift didn't get through.

I'm just going to tell him my phone was on silent.

After the shower and the exhausting effort to dry my long thick brown hair, I finally get to look at myself in the mirror. I brushed mascara over my long eyelashes that surrounded my big green eyes.

Just as I was looking at my finished look for the day, I could see a mental image of the man I used to love. I looked down and held back tears. There's not a day I don't think about that man.

I could still hear him saying his last few words to me, "Katie, I think we should see other people."

I had to fight the tears even harder while remembering such harsh words.

Snap out of it, Katie. It's been two in a half years for god sakes.

I shook my head and hoped that I shook the image of him out of it. I walked through the kitchen and grabbed a bagel while pressing the button to make coffee.

Coffee reminded me of him too. We had literally everything in common. We loved museums, science, Star Trek, and everything coffee, but he still wanted someone else. There isn't a day I don't think about that man and wonder who he's with and wonder if she treats him like a king as I did.

I filled my to-go coffee thermos and headed out the door letting the thought of him fade.


Downtown Alexandria, Virginia was great if you love crowds. I personally hate how long it takes to get to work. I think about what my plans are for lunch this afternoon and whether not my boss will yet again, ask me if I want him to buy me lunch.

That's a "no", Houston..

My boss knows nothing about me still being in love with the man who left me but I have been not so subtly telling him that I am not interested in him, politely of course.

Can't be too rude to the man who is in charge of payroll.

I arrive at work and I press the elevator number 4.

"Hey Katie!"

I turn around and it's my not-so-knight-and-shining-armor boss.

"Oh! Hey Seth!"

Seth Davenport was his full name. A Baylor University graduate, raised in Houston, and full of Texas pride and southern metaphors. Being 6'1, with muscular physique, sure he sounds like the perfect, southern charm that every girl dreams about and actually, alot of them do, but this man was not my idea of a guy with good form. I've seen how he operates, especially with women and I wouldn't put it past him to have every girl in this building on Snapchat.

We both stepped inthe elevator.

"I see you ignored my message this morning," he chimed. He narrowed his eyebrow as if to look suspicious.

Yup. Sure did.

"Well, actually-" he had cut me off.

"It's okay. There's just something I really need to talk to you about."

"Like what?" Better not be another date inquiry.

"A pathology doctor from the pentagon has scheduled a meeting with me this morning and I have already talked to her and suggested you to be a good canidate for what she is looking for."

"What do you mean 'a good canidate'? For what?"

Holy crap! What did he sign me up for? Pentagon? Canidate? Usually when the Pentagon gets involved, it's something very serious.

"You'll see." He smirked, "I have full faith in you, Katie."

The elevator doors opened and standing there was a woman. An asian lady, her black hair was pulled back, and she was carrying a briefcase.

"Hello, Ms. Katie Pierce. I am Dr. Linda Kimara from the Pentagon's Infectious Diseases Department."

Taken back by someone approaching me from the Pentagon, i muster up a little peep.

"Yes?" It sounded more like a squeal. I didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

"Follow me," she lead Seth and I to an empty conference room and focused her attention on me.

"Ms. Pierce, there has been a viral outbreak of Anthrax that has become airborne. A murderer with this weapon is killing large sums of people at a time with it. We have a separate team that will be helping us with the capture of this individual, but I will need an assistant to come with me for putting forth the manpower it will take to find a cure. 12 people have died so far. Will you be my assistant for this case?"

Oh my gosh.. An anthrax poison that is actively killing people? I need to help stop this mess. With Anthrax being airborne, there could be immediate death to people, especially children. I'm going to help stop this.

"Yes, I will help find the cure for this Airborne Anthrax Poison."

Dr. Kimara smiles and give a nodd to Seth.

"Perfect, yes. I trust that everything Mr. Davenport has said about you holds it's true standing and I will brief on the way there."

I smiled at Seth.

Finally Seth did something good for me. This could be the most defining moment in my career.

"Where are we going?" I ask eagerly.

"The other team that will be helping with the capture of the individual who created it will be Quantico's Behavioral Analysis Unit."

The blood drained straight out of my body and I felt incredibly numb.

Quantico? Behavioral Analysis Unit? But that's the unit my ex-boyfriend works in...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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