Rise Up

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"Hey girls"

"Hey Jerry"

All four of them turned to their manager.

"I have a proposition for you guys"

"Another talk show ?" Jade asked.

"No. A festival"

Gaby raised her head, curiosity getting the best of her.

"What festival ?"

"Here's the thing" He started, sitting with them on the studio's floor. "Imagine Dragons started the idea of throwing a huge festival in order to raise money for charities, and their manager asked if they could add your name to the event"

"When ?" Mila questionned.

"In two weeks, Salk Lake City"

He warily watched Gabriella, pursing his lips.

"Okay, what are you not telling us ?" Emily told him. "You keep watching Ella like she's gonna get mad at something"

He sighed.

"What is it, Jerry ?" The front runner of the band asked.

"This festival, it's for LGBT youth" He confessed, giving them flyers of the show. "To raise awareness about suicide"

"Love loud" She read.

She turned to him.

"Is this because of my sister ?" She asked her manager.

"I know it's not something you like to remember"

"She would've like that, though" Emily added.

"Yeah, she used every excuse to dance like crazy" Jade laughed.

She smiled at her bandmates. They had been her lifeline when she lost her sister, she was so glad to call them family.

"We could do it for her...right ?" She said.

"Are you asking us or yourself ?" Mila answered.

"You know we'll follow your decision on this, Gab'" Jade added

Emily nodded at her friend. It was all it took. Gabriella gave the flyer back to their manager.

"We're doing it" She told him. "For Sarah"

"For Sarah" He repeated, a small smile on his lips.

He didn't waste a minute and called back to confirm their performance.

The word spread very fast and in a matter of a couple hours, the band name was trending on twitter and instagram. Instead of putting a word on each of their private account, they let Gabriella write a post on the band's instagram.

'We're happy to announce we'll be joining @ImagineDragons and many more on July 28th for the #LoveLoud festival. We honestly can't wait to see you all and spend one hell of a crazy night dancing and singing our heart out. Spread awareness and love people, you're all amazing. #peace


It was soon reposted by Imagine Dragons and Gabriella smiled when she saw the first comment was from their front man.

'@DanReynolds: so happy to count you in @paramore'

"This is good" Jade said over her shoulder when she saw the post. "Sarah would have loved that festival"

"You think so ?" Gabby whispered.

"I know so"

"Maybe it'll help someone else" Emily pondered. "Maybe we'll change somebody's mind"

"Yeah..." The front girl wondered. "This is gonna be hard."

"But we'll do it like we do everything, as a family" Jade answered.

And so they spent the next two weeks preparing the festival, traveling finally the day before the festival. People were already camping out of the venue to get the best view while the band settled in their hotel room. Everything was ready for the show, they even had a new song, only out for a month, that they were going to perform. Still, Gabriella felt uneasy. She didn't talk much about her sister, or their story. This was too hard for her to even think about it, and here she was about to sing it.

"You alright ?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, just ... lost in my head"

"Are you having second thoughts ?" Mila questionned, concerned for her friend. "'Cause we can totally pretend that one of us is sick and not perform tomorrow"

Gabriella got up, grabbed a couple of papers and a pen and kissed her friend forehead.

"I love you just for even suggesting that Mils, but we're doing that show" She said in a smile. "I'm going downstairs working on a song, don't wait for me to watch a movie"

They knew she needed a little time alone so they didn't push and let her go. There was a little room with a small stage and a piano, empty at this hour of the night. She put her papers on the instrument and started working right away.

There was a song she wrote, a song that wasn't on any of their album and that didn't even get recorded. A song she wrote right after her sister died. She rarely sang it, too fearful of bursting out in tears, but it felt like a good occasion to do it that night.

'We are buried in broken dreams

We are knee deep without a plea

I don't want to know what it's like to live without you

Don't want to know the other side of a world without you '

As soon as she finished the song, she heard the noise of the door behind her. She turned frankly, noticing just now that someone had been listening, standing against the wall. She didn't recognize him at first, having only seen the man through a tv.

"I'm sorry" He said. "I didn't mean to scare you"

"You shouldn't have eavesdropping, then" She rolled her eyes.

"Well ... the piano was pretty loud and curiosity got the best of me when I heard the music"

He walked toward the stage.

"Is this a new song paramore is working on ?" He asked.

"No. It's ... it's nothing"

"Sounds pretty deep for nothing"

She sighed, gathering her papers and got up. The atmosphere was pretty awkward, he was trying to be nice, while she was to preoccupied by her own thoughts.

"Don't leave because of me" He said.

"Don't worry, I gotta get some sleep for the show tomorrow"

"Thank you for coming, by the way"

"You should thank my bandmates for convincing me"

"Did you really need convincing to come to a festival about suicide awareness among LGBT community ?"

"Yup" Was her only answer.

She was about to leave the room but turned around.

"Nice to meet you, Reynolds"

And with that, she left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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