Adopted Daughter And Return to Japan

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    Today I sit on the plane from Europe to Japan. My adoptive father is a different kind of person I will give him that. He sales in magical goods, not the fakes but real magical goods that are very rare to find. Everyone calls him Antiquary and I guess I got into calling him that too as a child.

   But I guess it was fate that we stumbled upon each other. I was a little kid no older than maybe at most four or five. He had caught me eating out of a trash can salvaging while my adopted parents lived the high life because I showed him where I supposedly lived. He became angry and picked me up in his arms and helped me get into his custody. He helped me even find a school that would be a boarding school for my bright mind as well as accepting of halflings like myself. You see my biological mother who died was half human and half Kitsune. My father is the most recent of the Ryu Yokai clan. I have met my biological father with Antiauary and they get along more for my sake. But both are always helping me find herbs to make my teas, salves and gems for making charms as well as jewelry.

  Even with my mother's human company I have money coming in hand over fist. It surprises them but makes them happy as well, that I am self sufficant.

   But now that I have graduated from not only my human studies but my Yokai one'sthey both decided it's time for me to be married. From my knowledge where father lives he has some very attractive friends for me to chose from. The last time I saw him we had conversed and he showed me pictures of Akira, Ryu and
Furuhonya. He explained Akira a rough looking man with red flaming hair,brown eyes and in his late forties as a painter. Ryu a man with black hair who always ties it back with a red ribbon in a ponytail, along with dark eyes, he always wears a white button up shirt with a blue jacket and blue trousers, along with a pair of black dress shoes, he was a psychic. The last one Furuhonya was a man with orange glasses and wore a t-shirt with a blue jean jacket over it, he had dirty blonde hair and honey brown eyes. He also mentioned a mage in training but agrees everyone has inkling he is gay. I find no fault in it, love is love. Father just ruffled my hair at that and nods.

  But a couple days ago he sent me a letter stating that Ryu has agreed to my hand in marriage because I told father I'd rather go in order of Ryu, Furuhonya, and then Akira. He could only laugh but he understood why because me being more Yokai I was more than likely immortal and I wanted to stay with a man who could sustain a long relationship and from the information he told me Ryu was a bit older than two hundred years old.

  Which leads me to now and the voice of the pilot saying," This is your pilot speaking, we are touching down at Narita International Airport with the temperature of a nice 85 degrees today. Be safe and have a nice time!"

    I stand up and grab my overhead bag, a simple duffle bag and my small purse. I smile as I head into the actual airport facility and gather my bags also exchanging a lot of the money I had brought with me. I smile as the lady exchanges it for me and I head to the closest starbucks for a Dark Mocha Chip Cream Frappuccino. In this heat I wanted something cold before I grabbed a taxi to the  Kotobuki-sō.

   Once I have my drink I take my bags and go grab a taxi. I smile as the man helps me with my bags. He was a more elderly man but very nice and says," So returning to Japan miss?"

   I stop drinking me drink and swallow saying," Yes I am. I've been away for so long for schooling, but my father has me signed up to be wed.  But thank goodness it's not sight unseen for the wedding."

   The man nods and then says," Well congratulations then miss."

   I smile and nod as we pull up in front of a quiet neiborhood with a large mansion like building. I look over the building and think,'This must be Kotobuki-sō.'

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