Hi I am Lucy-may. This is the story.
I was sleeping in my bed and I heard a noise. I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep. I couldn't so I went into the kitchen to get some coffee. I heard a shriek like my mums. I got worried and wanted to peek into her room. I couldn't locked the door. Anyway I went back to sleep and woke up again to a creaking noise. My door was opening a hairy man walked in. No a wear wolf. It was dragging my mum and dad into my room snoring . He set up my seat and put mum into it looking at me. And my dad next to me in the bed. My heart was pounding. The wolf was under my bed waiting to strike but he got out and I heard a scratching noise. I looked to the side and saw in scratch marks on the wall i saw the four most terrifying words. "I KNOW YOUR AWAKE." my heart was pounding even more I thought I would be caught. The wear wolf left the room and I looked out of my window to see the wear wolf entering the house next door. I am just lucky to be safe. The end.
Ten Days Of Madness.
Random10 stories. That are. Fabulous you. Wont want. To stop. Reading it. Yayayayayayayayayayayayay.