To You, My Crush

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You may never get this, and that may not matter, the real point is that I am saying it. I really, really like you. I know that someone like you doesn't deserve someone as weird and crazy as me and so you don't have to except my feelings. I just wanted to let you know before I lose you, again. I don't care if you leave me here broken and bruised, just know there will always be a place for you in my heart. 

I love everything about you. Your smile, your kindness, your ability to make even the most depressing situations something wonderful just because your there. The day we met was the day I fell, literally and emotionally. Who knew that tripping down the stair and breaking my ankle was the best experience of my life? But that is only because it lead to you catching me as I fell. The moment our eyes met I felt like I could soar. I didn't realize how much I love the color of hazel until that day. You smiled that crooked grin and I felt my heart melt in my chest. You were so gentle and kind with me, willing skipping our lunch to help me to the nurse. I used to think that love at first sight was for suckers till you came into my life.

Since then you became my friend, but you never knew I wanted to be more until it was to late. The first time I tried to tell you was the first day you told my best friend that you liked her.You two started dating and it only took off from there. If only I had been a little faster to lunch that day. I watched you to kiss and whisper secrets to each other for the rest of that year. I try to forget the times you brushed me off and left to go hang out with your girl friend. I still remember the anger that came with loving you, but I never stopped.

Then she broke up with you. I hate to say it but I celebrate that day to this day. You stopped ignoring my presence and I finally thought that I had a chance. I was thrilled when you asked me to the school dance, I thought that you actually liked me back. I didn't realize you meant as friends until after I had bought the perfect dress and did my hair and make up. I was so embarrassed when you showed up in a button up shirt and black slacks asking if I was ready, the rest of our friends already in the car. It still was the best night of my life though because when you dropped me off you kissed my cheek. I loved it, you.

I sometimes think I'm a little stupid for falling for you, but I have never regretted it. So this is for you, and I have a question. Do you love me too?

- LOVE, Me

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