The Letter

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All my life, I've liked only the ideas of guys. I looked at a boy and said, "I'd bet he'd be a great boyfriend," and created this image in my head that was not him. Then you came along. I don't know what it is about you, but you're not an image in my head. I know you. You're my best friend, and I've seen you on days when you were your happiest and days when you were your lowest. I know your flaws, your fears, you dreams, your favorite foods, and which sibling is your favorite. I know it all, and yet my affection has not faded. You being a reality rather than an idea has made me see you in a whole new way that I never saw other guys in. You are the first guy that I've ever really known and had something special with. From the moment I met you, I knew you were different. We have this chemistry between us that no other two could match. You are my partner in all the crimes I'm too scared to commit. I've never really been comfortable in my own skin, but with you, I am. You make me feel like I'm home, and I've never met someone who could do that. I've never met someone who could make me so inexplicably happy with just an inside joke or a look. I wish I could tell you that you make me this happy, but for some reason, I think that it's better if we choose not to destroy each other. Maybe we're a Gatsby and Daisy, never destined to be together. I'm your best friend, and I'm okay with that, even though there's some times when it hurts so badly that I can't think about anything but how much I want you as more than that. I'm just thankful that we have a chemistry that's really something, not just the idea of something.

With Love,


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