Blades' Nightmare

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"Tuez-les tous et ne laisser aucune trace."


"Rester dans l'ombre"


Blade awoke with a start; gasping for needless air as he sat straight up. The pale puppet looked down at his namesake with shaking nerves. He thought he was going to see blood stained and dripping off the steel of his hook. But to his eventual relief, there was no blood to be seen or felt in any way. He looked around the room he was in; seeing a little bit of what was there even though it was dark. He heard light snoring coming from his sleeping companions. Tunneller, Six Shooter, Pinhead, Torch; all sleeping around different areas of the room in whatever they could use as makeshift beds. Across the room, their newest and probably youngest master Kate was sleeping in her bed; safety buried in sheets and blankets. Blade looked to the left of him to see the most cheerful of the group. Jester laid beside blade in a miniature sleeping bag; sleeping soundly amongst the fabric. Blade just watched over the expressive puppet; the fear remaining as he remembered the horrific nightmare he just escaped from.

"It looked all too real." He thought to himself.

With a quiet grunt, Blade stood up and quietly made his way out of Kate's room; slipping through the large gap in the door. The pale puppet careful made his way downstairs to the living room; wondering if Kate's father was still awake with his work. Thankfully, he was nowhere to be seen; probably asleep in his room upstairs and getting much needed rest. Reaching the living room, Blade climbed up the sofa and jumped onto the coffee table. Blade took a seat down near the edge of the table; facing the window near the front door as light from the full moon shined through. Blade sighed as he tried to calm down. But the images of his nightmare were still fresh in his mind and frightening him to no end. That man with the protruding vines and scars. That was not the Toulon he knew. Those puppets with the grim faces. There was no way that could have been Pinhead and Tunneller; even Torch was not that terrifying.

But Blade himself...

Blade knew he looked nothing like that. He knew there was only one of him; he did not look like that some mummified zombie or a monster skull. He tried to tell himself that it was just a dream, but it seemed so real.


Blade quickly turned around when a familiar voice said his name. He stared in confusion when he saw Jester standing there with his sad face. Blade just turned back to the direction of the window.

"You should be in bed." He simply replied.

"So should you, but here we are." Jester replied back as he walked over and sat down next to Blade.

Jester looked at how distant Blade seemed as he stared out the window. The colourful puppet knew something was not right; even if Blade was going to say otherwise.

"I heard you wake up. You sounded like you had a bad dream." Jester recalled when he heard Blade get up and leave the room.

Blade turned to Jester. He sighed quietly. Jester was a lot smarter than he appeared. Blade was proud of that, but he still had a rather innocent personality; even if he did "take care" of a few people over the years. Blade turned back to the window and looked at the moon.

"I... I had a very vivid nightmare." Blade struggled to say.

Jester turned his head in question. Blade was a brave puppet; having faced against Nazis and demons. What could he have had a nightmare about, and how bad could it have been?

"What was it about?" Jester asked.

Blade shook his head.

"I don't want to scare you." The pale puppet answered back.

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