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By: Kennu G. Demerin
(August 17, 2018)

Skies as scarlet as blood; medium bits of concrete have formed large piles of rubble lying on the streets. The streets seemed empty; metals are scattered on a deserted ground. The streets of a city called Malaybalay were nothing but empty. Smoke ascending above the clouds which is obviously killing the Ozone Layer.


The Ozone Layer is no longer existing!

It's the 21st day of February, 2085. It is an era in which humans have advanced almost every machines and modern technologies in which any man can perceive! As humans became lazy doing hard labor and uses lifeless inventions to do work for them. Everything seems on point at first. Yet the advancement of human knowledge had caused a huge improvement of machines as well. The machines that were only tasked to do human work had created a mind for themselves and tried to fight against mankind.

And thus, the "Apocalypse" emerged.

It's been 24 years since the Apocalypse had begun that it had already spread worldwide; Philippines as no exemption to that as well. Air supply barely exists since nature has been destroyed by the unfriendly phenomenon and humans are forced to use air tanks to breath. Though there are still safe zones that are preserving their remaining natural resources in order to have sufficient oxygen. Though artificial, it's enough to sustain most civilians; with the militia and guerrilla forces included.

Many thought that mankind has lost and are waiting for its extinction except one guy.

His name is Lowe.

He was born at the exact year the Apocalypse emerged. He lived a challenging, awful life and had no other choice but to fight against machines all throughout his existence.

He was enlisted in the army 8 years ago and at the young age he was recently promoted as a Lance Corporal due to his outstanding battle records and experience. He lived his life as a soldier serving the country fighting against the extinction of mankind. He is currently living at the capital city of the country. Originally, the city was called Manila, however, after the Apocalypse, it is used as the main command of the human military force. As of today, the city is called camp "PAG-ASA" which means Hope.


Lowe, despite being 24, has never engaged himself in a relationship before. Not just due to fact that most of his brothers in arms are males, his only mentality is to wipe out the machines which destroyed the lives of the human race. However, he constantly receives a message from an unknown individual using a cellphone.

Soldiers are issued to have one by a means of communication. However, due to the fear of a possibility of backfire, cellphones are designed just like the retro ones in the early 2000s so that there won't be a need of having an external memory card. The government feared that issuing the latest ones may cause a disaster and backfire against humanity. However, issued phones are designed with transmitters; radio waves can also be used when communicating with someone. Kind of old fashioned yet effective.

It started two months ago when Lowe's cellphone suddenly notified for a text message. It was from someone unknown to him.

[Hey there soldier! How's your day? Fighting for freedom isn't bad however taking a rest once in a while is beneficial as well.]

[Who are you?] He immediately responded.

[Hi, my name is Jodie and I am here to provide hope.]

Jodie caught his attention and little by little as days go by, they became attached to one another. They constantly send messages to each other. However, at times when Lowe decides to call her yet she won't answer saying there's a deeper reason to that. Lowe seemed confused why however, since Jodie doesn't fail to send him text messages he decided he won't mind. He even knew were Jodie is currently residing as well. She was located at Valencia city; it was found in the center of the province of Bukidnon and eventually the last area in the province in which hasn't been wiped out by machines. Other municipalities who decided to fall back had merged in the city to form a resistance as a last resort.


On the 24th day of February, 2085; Lowe was assigned by the higher ups to lead a squad to form a strategic base in the center part of the archipelago; Cebu city. The mission is to gather and rescue humans that are forced to form a resistance against machines.

The government plans to unite those with power to eliminate the lifeless yet surprisingly intelligent machines.

Since it was a battle of extinction, humans are forced to fight and wipe out the machines and the same goes to other party. The machines have various combat abilities, some are designed to do range attacks and some are designed to do melee attacks. Their real origin is still unknown up to this moment. Humans on the other hand used guns. They aren't normal ones since they can penetrate against machines.


Days have passed and it was the 26th day of February, 2085. Everyone was astonished on the sudden phenomenon! A massive attack had emerged and the city of Valencia is completely surrounded.

Lowe upon hearing the news requested for an Osprey and immediately left the strategic base in Cebu to act as reinforcements on the current siege at Valencia. No orders have been given by the higher ups and there's a strong possibility that he will be punished. He's completely aware of that yet he can't just turn a blind eye. Especially knowing the fact that the only person he's been in love is in grave danger.

Who would've thought that their first meeting will be in a middle of a war? Lowe doesn't care any of that! Despite the chaos, Jodie frequently sends him a text message.

[I'm safe. I'm at GRACE hospital]

His team arrived at the city which was scorching with flames and filled with massive amount of gunfire; dead bodies lying around. He ignored all that and went directly to the hospital.

It was abandoned; it is dark. There are sparks from short circuit wires. He looked around but there was none. He discovered a room; it was filled with scattered wires. Surprisingly, it was the only room with electricity. There are monitors; big ones! And in the monitor it was saying...

[Lowe, I'm sorry.]

And in the middle of the room stands a cylindrical machine standing around 4 feet in height and on its side a five letter word was written: "JODIE".

He found a manifest on the table.

He decided to read it to ease his curiosity.


His tears began to fell. He felt betrayed. After all the "someone" he loved is never a human. One of his men suddenly arrived and was panting heavily. He was asked to leave the place since the machines have already conquered the city.

He decided to stay.

The Osprey decided to evacuate any resistance survivors and left Lowe in the middle of the scorching city.

Alas! After a few minutes, he was left alone with Jodie, an artificial intelligence whom he loved most.

As the building started to collapse, he leaned on the machine with his eyes closed.

"It is indeed a cruel world."

Those were his last words.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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