Shattered Glass, and Other Things

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There was a loud crash. Glass was everywhere, and amidst it, there was a women shrieking. Tears were pouring down her face, but the man made not attempt to comfort her, instead, his brother was by her side, trying to bring her back. The women was my mother, and the man was my father, and this was the begining of the end of their relationship. I didn't understand at the time, and continued to enjoy a carefree life. It didn't  occur to me that a father shouldn't have another women, another family, but as I matured, I began to see the  truth that I failed to notice before. As all the wrongs my father performed were revealed, my care free life turned into chaos. I closed myself off from others and put up a front. Everyone has a side of them they don't want others to see. On the surface, I was the fun loving, super lazy, always forgiving friend. To my family I was the quiet, emotionless, intelligent, good little girl, who was also slightly lazy. These to sides rarely mixed, but neither shows what's really going on in my mind. 

Recently, I have, with the help of my friends, discovered that I might be a real b*tch on the inside, but to get to this revelation, I have to start at the begining, before I realized my dad was a lying, cheating, little, b--before the glass was shattered, before even when my memories began.

This is the tale of girl who discovers her inner b*tch.

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