Chapter 1

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Jimin has been in bts for a long time now he's really close to all of his members. Of course they fight sometimes but that's just how they are.

"Jimin ....... Jimin ....... Jimin!!!!! ........ wake up!!!!!!" Yoongi scream trying to wake Jimin up. He had been sleeping for hours. Jimin got drunk the day before and sleepers the whole night until now.( The afternoon) Jimin lightly opened his eyes to see a bright light and a mad yoongi staring at him.

"Owww, headache" Jimin said quietly. He raised up and looked a yoongi.

"Here take this it will help with that headache of yours" yoongi said I'm a soft tone. He walked over and handed Jimin some meds to get red of his headache.

" thanks yoongi" Jimin said reaching up to take the meds in the others hand. He slowly swallowed the pill. He looked up to see the other looking at him angrily.

"........what?" Jimin asked

"Why did you drink....... I told you never drink again you know what it does to you ....... you black-out." Yoongi said concerned.

" .... I-I'm sorry..... it's just l-last night was my friends birthday and he wanted me to go drink with him......I-I'm sorry." Jimin said wanting to hit himself for stuttering. Yoongi looked at him with and still angry face but a little bit calmer.

" okay ...... I'm not mad......... but if this happens again I will kill you I swear." Yoongi said wondering why the other stuttered. After a little while yoongi left the room to let Jimin take a shower and get dressed they we're going to be recording a new dance practice video for the YouTube today and need to be there in an hour.

Jimin took a quick hot shower and got dressed. He when to the leaving room to fine Jungkook and Tae cuddling up together on the couch. He always thought there was something going on between them. He knew that Tae had a thing for Jungkook. He walked pasted them into the kitchen. He quickly made him a sandwich and walked back to the living room.

"So.. hows your head." A soft voice said he looked over to see Hobi sitting down next to him. He looked a Jimin and stared to talk again but was cut off by Jimin.

" it's alright I feel a lot better now" Jimin said. Hobi look Jimin up and down trying to see if the other might have got hurt when he came home last night and tripped on pretty much everything.

Jimin and Hobi continue to talk until it was time to go record there video. When they were don't with it Jimin went to go buy him and the others a drink. As he slowly put on his shoes a hand grabbed him. Jimin fell on his butt.

"What the fuck" Jimin said. He looked up to see yoong holding on to his arm.

" your still kinda hungover from last night let me go with you so you don't lose your way...or something" yoongi said. Jimin looked up at him and just nodded at him. On there way to the store they talked a little about how Jimin should stop driving because yoongi doesn't like seeing him like that.

They bought the drinks and headed back to the practice room. When they got there Jungkook and Tae were running around the room hitting each other. I slaped them and made them sit down. I have ever member their drinks and we all stared practicing again. When we were done, we all went home to showe, and afterward grab something to eat. We decided to get some pizza because Tae won at Rock Paper Scissors and got to pick what we ate.

After eating I walked to me room to do my night time routine. I then got on my phone and watched a few Shane Dawson videos. After a while a stared to deep sleepy. So I put my phone on my night stand and plugged up my phone. I turned over and fell alseep.

( A few hours later)

I woke up to something warm and soft touching my lips. I opened my eyes just a little and saw ...............

Okay so this is the first chapter this is my first time writing something like this so sorry if it's bad

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