Kei Ninato is his name, being in the military is his game.
Being at the young age of nineteen and being a Military Corporal is difficult.
Kei had to earn the respect he has, having clawed his way up the mountain of people scamming and pitting their...
Name (& pronunciation): Kei Ninato (K// Nee-Nah-Toe) Date of Birth (& age): January 5// 19 Place of Birth: Toyko, Japan Gender: Male Social Class: American Army. Status: Corporal Languages: English & Japanese Family: Miku Ninato, Deceased. Johnathan Ninato, Deceased. Ethnicity: American/Japanese
His face is slim along with his body, lean with pulled back shoulders, a perfect posture, with head held high. He usually can be seen smirking or smiling with his few military friends, his eyes a light golden almost a brown color shown under his hat. A small slim nose along with a small mouth fits his face. His body fit with forming abs and even muscles.
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Personality: Usually nice unless forced to be harsh during training exercises. Normally laid back during the day except toward higher-ups and during meetings. Gets along with most of the superiors and lower ranks Skills: Gun accuracy training. Swordsmanship training. Hand-to-hand combat training. Favorites/Likes: Smiling. His Uniform/ Being in the Military. Most Hated/Dislikes: Blood/ Pain. Torture/ His past. Goals/Ambitions: Not die on the field. Be a Sergeant Major Strengths: None, in particular, A jack of some traits Weaknesses: Close friends Fears: Commitment/ Afraid to lose his loved ones Hobbies/Interests: Getting to know the military personnel Regular Routine: (5:30) Wake up, (5:35)Brush teeth, (6:00) Morning run (7:00) Shower, (7:30) Gun training,(8:30) Breakfast, (9:00) Meetings, (12:00) Lunch, (1:30) Training with sword, (2:30) Classroom learning, (4:30) Barrack cleaning, (5:30) Dinner, (6:00) Free time/ and or meetings, (8:00) lights out. Attitude Toward Death: Slightly fearful of it but doesn't really care because of the things he's seen during his time with the military. Most Painful/Memorable Experience: Going M.I.A during his first actual combat situation and being tortured during the time. Sexual Preference: Homosexual/Men Special Training: None Place of Residence: Barracks Occupation: Corporal Place of Work: Military Past Occupations: On base student
-Orphaned at a young age.
-Adopted by a General who later died in combat.
-Lived on the military base since he was fourteen.
-Checks in with his adopted family every month.
-Started training with privates when he was fifteen.
-Joined as one during the same year.
-Quickly went through the ranks to reach a Corporal by nineteen.
(Thank you to @Mirintala on DeviantArt for the Basic Character Sheet format)