A little over 1000 years ago the romanion vampires wiped an entire ancient race. The Phoenix. An elementalist spirit with the power Over water, earth, air, fire, weather, athey also have visions, they can heal, and last but not least, they will have...
When Alicia woke up she immediately took shower and changed into this:
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(Ignore the brown bag)
And went downstairs and picked up this backpack;
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Before she headed off to school she fed all her animals and locked up her house. She then climbed into her blue mustang. When she arrived at school, she saw that Angela and the rest of her friends were already there. So she walked over to them and got greeted with hugs in return. They were about to go inside when Alicia realized that she left her phone and her small purse in her car. So she ran back to get it. Her phone and purse looked like this:
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