Prolouge: The Lynch Mob

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Yinami sat down on the couch of Kakashi's house. Luckily, he had taken her in after her parents died. She was getting a little nervous and worried about him. It was almost midnight. Usually, he would be at the house by now. She waited thirty minutes, and when he didn't come home, she really started worrying. Since it was winter, she got out her parka and brushed her hair aside. She exited the house and was shocked.

There were many people walking to one building. Out of some, she spotted Sakura, Naruto, Hinata and Kakashi. She ran to her uncle. "Hey, Uncle Kakashi!" She exclaimed, "Why'd you have me worry about you? How come you didn't come home?"

Kakashi looked at her with his one not covered eye. His eye seemed to be glazed, or have film on it and look milky. He smiled, "You won't have to worry anymore. We'll both go somewhere great." "Yes, like the house," Yinami countered. Kakashi grabbed her arm, "No, Yinami. We'll leave this earth, and come back to it when it is reborn!" He said in an excited tone. Yinami's eyes went wide. Are you out of your mind? She thought. She looked up at his neck and noticed a stamp-looking thing on it. It had one angel holding its halo; and a demon holding it's trident.

He pulled her all the way into the building. Naruto was slouched over, "I'm a failure for a ninja...." Sakura was sitting down, reapeating, "I'm so useless... Useless..." Yinami was wondering what caused them to say such things. She then noticed little newspaper packets around the room. Kakashi was about to prick one when Yinami ran over and grabbed it. "We'll all die!" She yelled. Kakashi said, "Yinami, this is how it is supposed to end. Don't interfere with the ritual." Yinami just glared at him for what was the first time since she was alive. She ran around, getting all the newspaper packets. They had a gas that could kill very easily. She threw them out the window.

A chirping noise filled the air. Kakashi was about to use Chidori on her! He ran, and just before he would have hit her, part of the floor collasped and she was in a surreal setting and Kakashi's hand was in the wall.

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