Don't be me

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Izuku stared at the flaming pile on his desk, everything he ever thought he could or would be was fake, and he finally knew it. It hurt him, his mind just went blank and his actions were not his own. Everything that was related to quirks in his life was burning, just like his dream of being a hero. He froze and stiffened hearing the door click open, he didn't know who is was so he stayed still, it could've been Kacchan, it could've been the teacher, it could've been another student that he didn't know.
"Damn it Izuku." That voice, slowly he looked behind him, eyes wide and scared. It was Yui, his best and closest friend. She sighed and walked over to him, slowly placing her hand near the fire, making it freeze over into black frost. "Don't you dare loose it Izuku." He looked over at her with confused and apologetic eyes. Yui then locked her smoky grey eyes with his sea blue. "Don't you dare loose your mind Izuku, don't you dare loose yourself, don't you dare think that this changes you, don't you fucking dare." Izuku then realized he had tears in his eyes, he trembled and tried to keep his tears in before failing and hugging Yui tightly.
Yui hugged him back lightly, letting him nuzzle in her neck. She slowly rock them whispering to him, "Don't go down that road, don't break yourself, don't think this changes anything in your life, cause spirits and souls," Yui then pulled him off her and had a hard grip on his shoulders as she yelled at him, "YOU ARE STRONG! AND YOUR DREAMS WILL COME TRUE! DON'T LET THESE DEMONS IN YOUR HEAD TAKE YOU! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" It was obvious what she really meant, and Izuku knew it as clear as day.
Continue his dreams. Then they just hugged, it was like the effect of life hadn't happened. It was just them, Yui and Izuku. Finally Izuku pulled away, wiping away stray tears and murmuring, "Thank you Yui, I really needed that." Yui smiled and said softly, "It's okay, just come find me when you need to rant off to." Izuku nodded and began to salvage what he could from his desk, Yui pulling the ice up her sleeve and watching Izuku. Soon they both began to leave and parted paths.
That was really touching. The raspy and cold voice in her head echoed. Go away, I had to do it, he would've became me. She fought walking down the dark alley, But would that be such a bad thing? Just leave. "Need I remind you who the Omega is here?" She quickly whipped around, black ice dagger in hand, intent to kill in mind. A tall older teen with black hair and cold eyes. She looked behind her, wishing she was able to see the leaf green hair of her friend, Damnit Izuku, She then turned to the teen and followed him, keeping her gaze down, Don't be me.

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