Exo high school

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Hey guys another fanfic enjoy

This storie is about you what you'll be going trough,your name is Yo Seol you live with your dad because your mom died when you were 6 you live in Seol in a small but comftrable house and your dad works at a resturant as a waiter.You took a quiz for a scholorsip in a very rich and expensive school called the Exo high school and you passed with flying collors.


"Appa!" you called from the kitchen "Appa dinner" you yeld again and luckily he heard you "Yes yes I'm comming I'm comming" and he rushed in the kitchen you put the dinner on the table and both of you started eating "Oh Yo Seol I got your school uniform it's in the living room" "Thank you appa" he smiled and continued eating.When you finished you two cleaned the dishes together when you were done you took the the school uniform from the living room and went to your room you got tired so you washed up set yout alarm clock and went to sleep.

The next morning your alarm clock woke you up you got up got ready

took your bag and was off you stop downstairs "Appa I'm going now" you said and huged him tight "Ok good luck be good and if anyone bullies you tell me ok?" "Ok appa" you said and huged him once more then went into a small room with a small table and your mother's picture on it with candles and flowers you lighted up the candles went on your kness and bowed "I'm going to school today mom wish me good luck and help me in trouble" when you finished you blew out the candles and cleaned the dirt of your uniform you took the bag and went to school.You arrived after a while as you saw the school you just kept starring at it it was huge some students passing by just looked at you with weird faces finaly you went inside when you acidently bumped into someone you bowed "I'm sorry" you said the person turned around with a smile she had wrily short hair "It's okay" she said and smiled you smiled too she seems freindly "Hey you're the new girl right?" she asked "Yes my name is Yo Seol" and you bowed "Nice to meet you Yo Seol my name is Amber" she said "Come on I'll show you in" she said and pulled your hand everybody was still looking at you strange sudenly you stoped infront of an office when a teacher steped out "Hello teacher" Amber said "Hello Amber what brings you here" she asked and looked at you "I brought her" and she pushed you infront of the teacher "Hello my name is Yo Seol" you said and bowed "Hello Yo Seol now I remember who you are you"re the new student right?" "Yes" "Good let me look which class you'll be going to" the teacher said and looked at the computer sudenly her expression got serious and so did Amber's then the teacher stood up "Follow me" she said with a serious voice and you folowed her you arrived Amber turned you around to face her and put her arms on your shoulder "Good luck my freind fighting" she put her fists up and was off the teacher turned to you and looked worried "Let me explain something and she showed on a sign infront of the classroom it says "Special class" "This is special class now you're probably wondering what you're doing here let me explain every year we have a student who passes the quiz with flying collors this year it's you you go to the special class where the students are well...spoiled and the student has to change them in another way help them get better" the teacher said you were still confused but since you like chalanges you acapted "Now are you ready for battle...I mean class?" she asked "Y-yes" "Well then let's go" and she opened teh door leting you in first right behind you the teacher came you were surprised when you saw 12 boys sitting in their chair that made you look at the teacher if this is some kind of a joke "Hello students" the teacher said their eyes were still darted at you This is your new classmate please introduce yourself" she said "My name is Yo Seol nice to meet all of you" you said and bowed 90% and they just kept starring "Please be nice to her she will help you so listen to her Yo Seol please sit there" she said and pointed to a seat.

I went and sat down "I'll be back after a few minutes" the teacher said and left the moment she left they all looked at you again you gulped and keep looking at your table when you noticed a figure standing infront of you you look up and saw one of the guys before you could say anything he spoke "Hello my name is Baekhyun" and bowed he gave you a heart warming smile and went back to his chair "Well that was weird" you thought to yourself a few minutes past the teacher still didn't came unlike your classmates you aleready met Baekhyun,Sehun,Xiumin and D.O everybody else just mind their business untill someone sits infront of you you look at him he looked cute he gave you a warm smile "Hy there my name is Luhan nice to meet you" he said with a sweet voice you gave him a smile "Hy" "Luhan stop talking to her she could be sick you know poor people" a voice from behind said you look who it was and it was no angel "Stop it Kai" Luhan said "Kai ha?" you thought "What are you starring at?" he asked but you didn't stop starring at him "Leave her alone" Luhan said while looking at Kai with lazer eyes Kai stoped looking at you and smirked "Sorry have to go by" Luhan said and went back to his seat.

After that the teacher came "Sorry I was hold up for so let's continue our class what do we have now...oh math let's start" and she started the class you were paying close atention.Finaly the schoolbell rang and it was time for lunch you were just packing up your stuff when someone hit your chair you looked back and saw Kai you gave him a death stare and continue packing you finished and as soon as you got up someone ceased you arm you looked at him and saw Sehun "Hy Yo Seol eat with us please" he said while blinking his eyes cutely and you couldn't refuse that so you noded "Yay" he jumped hapily then out of the blue someone bumped your shoulder "Watch it poor person" he said he was tall and kinda scary he looked at you and the moment he did you quickly looked away "Leave her alone Kris" Sehun said he wanted to say something else when someone pushed him off your arm and ceased it "Hy there cutie the name's Chen and I'll be your prince" he said but Sehun pushed him away and ceased your arm and Chen ceased the other arm you tried shaking them off but it didn't work so you just gave up and went to the cafeteria as you were walking down the hall people kept looking at you strange you averted them and went on.

When you arrived Sehun and Chen were fighting which one of them would sit next to you since there was only one chair left but someone else came and sat down instead of them he was also very tall but he semed freindly "Hy I haven't introuduced myself my name is Chanyeol" he said and smiled as soon as he spoke Chen and Sheun looked at him "Hey that's my seat" they said at the same time "Sorry but winners kepers losers wipers" he said and smiled "Come on Sehun sit here" Luhan said and patted a free seat next to him "Lulu comming" he said and hurried after everybody was seated we started eating.

After you all finished you were talking at the teable sudenly a hand pulled you up you turned around and saw Amber "Hy Amber" the guys said and Amber smiled in return "You know each other?" you asked looking at them "Yea we known each other trough our companys" another tall guy said "Oh btw I'm the super,the awesome,the talanted,the cool,the..." "Just get to your point" Cheyeol said aleready irritated "Kung fu panda Tao" he finished "Yes now I'll have to borrow Yo Seol for a minute" Amber said "Ok let's go come on" Sehun said and stood up and both you and Amber gave him a blunt look "Alone" she said "Yea we're going alone so don't interupt" he said again "Sehun they mean WITHOUT YOU!" Luhan said and sat him down and you and Amber left before he could protest.

All for this chapter hope you enjoyed

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